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Moving Texture?

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I'd like to get a texture to kind of scroll across the surface of a flat mesh, like water but without all the extra game engine baggage. I checked out the EffectShaderProperty but can't really figure it out. If anyone has done something similar, I'd appreciate any help you could give. Thanks!
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I'd like to get a texture to kind of scroll across the surface of a flat mesh, like water but without all the extra game engine baggage. I checked out the EffectShaderProperty but can't really figure it out. If anyone has done something similar, I'd appreciate any help you could give. Thanks!


Hi, in the vanilla alchemyworkstation.nif is a "flowing" liquid which I think is quite similar to what you're searching for. There's a BSLightingShaderPropertyFloatControllerused, may this will point you to the right direction?


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