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CTD in BleakFall Barrow02

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CK keeps crashing when I open this cell. At first, I thought it might be the esp I was working with. It had a number of ITM, which I removed, and even after that, I still get a CTD in this cell. Usually within 60 seconds or so.


Any ideas? Possible fixes?


The ESP I am working on does modify BFB 01, but nothing in 02. so, not sure why it keeps crashing.

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I know this is not much help but I've never had cause to open BFB 02 before.


I opened it just now to see if I got a ctd but didn't. I was only wondering if there was a problem with this cell in general, but it seems there isn't.

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Actually, I resolved this(sort of). It was nothing more complicated than simply rebooting my PC. I tend to leave it on for long periods at a time, and it looks as if I was simply overdue for a plain old reboot. While this helped increase the time I could spend on the cell, it is still randomly crashing, only with a longer delay now. Frustrating.


I am wondering, if there is a texture or mesh that is being loaded to certain cells(part of my load order) that the CK has a problem with, thus causing a CTD. Most of the cells I work with, dont CTD, but ive come across a couple that are. The esp I am working on, loads all basic ESM masters + USSEP.

Edited by Mebantiza
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