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All saves show as corrupt but they are not?


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Just recently I have been having a issue where all my saves will show as corrupt. I am still able save the game and of those saves also show as corrupt. When this happens I am unable to load any of these saves until I exit the game and restart. This happen twice to me both times around 3 to 4 hours mark.


This is a minor issue for me but would kind of like to know why it happens. I have around 80 hours on my current game and this started today. The last mods I installed a week ago were followers can loot, convenient horses, IAFT, and your home is my home.


My first thought was it might be one of my new installs but maybe it is the number of mods I have. Or maybe it is the number of mods I have that are script heavy. I am currently at 253 active mods or 301 counting the merged mods.


I did a search and found other people with the problem but they did the same thing I idid, restart the game. I couldn't find a cause. I know I could do the old remove mods one at a time until the problem goes away but at four hours that would take a insane amount of time. Then consider it is almost certainly not a single mod causing it but a combination otherwise the bad mod would be flooded with other people with the same problem.

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