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Hidden NPC?

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Sorry, i have a strange situation modifying the mod Sexlivion for boys and girl.

i am an Italian developer and i made/modified several Oblivion mods.

Now, I have a very strange problem......


I'am making a new version of sexlivion into a simpler version, removing several quests' mechanisms, scripts etc. I'm finishing the mod and I want to make a graphic revision to the Moonlight Inn. I removed all the activators, changed illumination, opened the moonlight inn door etc. Now the moonlight inn's cell is a simple place with seven rooms: the central room, two lateral room and the girl's rooms.

I need to add some NPCs in the Moonlight Inn and this is the problem:

if i add an NPC (for example Eletta) to the central room in moonlight inn, i view it in the CS, it has the right position....but I cannot see it in the game!!!!! The NPC is disappeared in the game. If i try to add it in the Stacea room, i see Stacea and also the other NPC (in this case Eletta)!! I tried also with a simple oblivion NPC (not only with one of sexlivion NPC). The same problem.

If I try to add eletta (or other NPC) to the atelier or another cell (Oblivion cell), there is no problem.

It seems that I can see the NPC in moonlight inn cell only in the girls's rooms where the NPC has been placed.


In general, the question is.....is it possible to hide/activate/view an NPC in a specify room and not in an other one (in the same cell)?


Thank you!

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Problem solved.


The CS probably creates an error in the plugin modifying cell datas (in the render window). I create a new cell (with the same characteristics, owner, lighting color, etc etc...), copy and paste all objects from the old cell to the new cell and now it works. If i put an NPC in the cell, it is.

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