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Quest books not showing up in inventory

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Like the title says, I have a strange bug that causes quest-item books to not appear in my inventory. For example, I just went to Phintias, bought Knightfall, it gives me the quest update to read it but it's nowhere in my inventory. Then I do the Path of Dawn quest, the fourth Mythic Dawn book has the same problem. I've already tried dropping nearly everything else to see if I have the bug that makes random items not show up in inventory. Doesn't help. Can't seem to find any similar problems on google. Does anyone know what's causing this?


Edit - I just tried fixing the problem with AddItem, but I still can't see them. I hear the book pickup sound, it shows "Knightfall added" in the corner of the screen, but it's just not there. :wallbash:


Edit2 - I removed everything from my inventory, did additem again, nothing. Then I tried again but adding 10 copies. Same result. Then I tried "getitemcount" with the same code, it shows that I have 12 copies. I just can't see them.


Edit3: Return of the edit - I found a solution, but not the cause. Rummaging through the google results, I came upon the UESP page of "Through a nightmare darkly" which mentions quest items are hidden while in the dreamworld. So I rummaged about to see how and here it is:


Open the console, type setshowquestitems 0 to toggle the hidden quest items back to visible.


The only question that remains is, what did this in the first place? I'm barely running any mods yet, I opened them all in the toolset to see if any of them used that command, but came up empty. It's only used in two (vanilla) quests and I've not been near either.

Edited by evenstargw
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It's pretty short:



  Reveal hidden contents



The last two are mods I'm testing/working on at the moment.

Apart from what's listed there, I've also got DarkUI Darn, and some OBSE plugins:

Elys USV

Kyoma menuque

OSR stutter remover

obse_jail_fix (came with UOP, I haven't a clue what it's supposed to do).


Like I said I loaded up almost all the esps in my load list in the CS to see if any were using that command but found nothing. This leads me to suspect the jail fix as I have no idea what it's meant to do and from the name of it, it might have to do with losing quest items when getting sent to jail.

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  • 4 months later...
I have a similar problem although I am sure it is not related. Seems I don't have the house deed NIFs any more, I tried recreating them in the CS, then went and did a complete reinstall of the game, tried it vanilla and still no house deeds when purchasing. any ideas?
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