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Silly Q:


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Silly Q:

So here we go, when you adopt a child in to your home, they show up with the last Name " Dovah-kiir

when wiki says the dragon born's last name is Dovah-Kiin

wetch one is true or this a typo un the mod other f multi adoption system mod



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Not a typo. Translated to english, that is literally "Dragon-child". Kiir = Child.

Which language is it? So this is based on a real language, instead of something totally made up like the constructed Elf language by Tolkien?


Dragon language. The Dragon language appears to be loosely based on English. There's a lot of documentation on the Dragon language, and not just that one. There is dwemer, and Daedra Language as well.






If you're interested in the language - https://www.thuum.org/

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Dragon language. The Dragon language appears to be loosely based on English. There's a lot of documentation on the Dragon language, and not just that one. There is dwemer, and Daedra Language as well.






If you're interested in the language - https://www.thuum.org/


How do I give you a kudo or thumb up? :)

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