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Screen Fades to Black


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Why not just press X, if that fixes it?


Or maybe try Purity - Brighter Nights.


But there seems to be some interaction with iHUD and Purity, but it could take a while to get to the bottom of it. I use iHUD, but never tried Purity.

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Well, you've already done far more than most mod users could possibly be expected to do.


You are not going to fix it unless you can identify exactly why night time fades to completely black when you are also using iHUD, and then editing one or both mods to fix it.


You already contacted both mod authors?


Did you try starting a completely new game from scratch to see if it still happens?



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Excellent, well done! That is some pretty heavy duty, systematic problem solving you've done there. And such a refreshing change to see someone not spontaneously blaming the mods at the first occurrence!


Sorry I was no actual help, but you didn't actually need me anyway!



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