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Looking for Armor Crafting mod - DE identifier


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When i went to Forge, among the items I could craft were sets of armor whose name would begin with DE, as in "DE Barbarian Bikini". I've done something wrong, and they no longer appear, even in the the grayed out "lacking materials" area.


If someone could let me know the name of the mod I was using for these options, I would appreciate it, as then I could try arranging the load order, or reinstall.


Thank you.

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have you removed items from your inventory , or crafted something that made these items disappear? because some mods have crafting recipes that won't show unless you have specific ingredients in your inventory


also , if you could provide your load order (in spoiler tags preferably) , it would help narrow it down , as finding such a mod won't necessarily be too easy (I can't think of a mod with items named like that)

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