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any mods to make nightime well....nightime? a.k.a darker?


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so I only just started modding on PC and 4 some reason, the mod I used on XB1 Darkness Falls on Bethesda.net which makes night time a LOT darker isnt on the PC version. Shouldnt the PC get every mod? anyway, without the mod, its barely noticeable when its nightime e.g when I was out and about at 10PM it looked more like it was around 5PM, not a single bit of darkness.


I've tried a bunch from Bethesda.net and none of them make nightime as dark as Darkness Falls did. R there any similar mods that make nightime a lot darker on here which dont conflict with Vivid Weather?

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Maybe "Hello Darkness" or "ELFX".


Or if you want to go with an ENB, there's are plenty that will do what you want. "Re-Engaged" might be a good place to start if you want try ENB. I don't use them a lot, so other people could probably give you better information on that front.


But yeah, you have options to achieve what you are going for. Best to explore them before you commit.

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An ENB or reshade would be your best option to ensure compatibility with vivid weathers.

ELFX Exteriors would probably also do the job but may look strange with some ENBs.

If youre happy to switch weather mods Climates of Tamriel has an option for darker nights. Obviously you cant use this with vivid

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