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Disabling hasn't worked. Do I need a reinstall?

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I'm relatively new to modding but after playing around for a while I thought I had the hang of it, so I got stuck in and got up to bout 80 mods in VR which I thought were stable. Focusing on lighting, graphics and then textures (but not exclusively). After getting all the mods I wanted working I noticed that the planes outside Whiterun look a bit s#*! (draw distance stuff). So I disabled a few things to tweak and start getting odd effects. Worried that I have messed up my stable game I enabled them again but the effects didn't go away. I have now rolled everything back to the bare bones and the game is still glitching into things like 'the attached' (or worse).


And by 'the bare dones' I mean, ENB, 3d audio, quickstart and Enhanced lights and FX. I'm starting a new game each time but it keeps breaking.


So my question is, 'When this sort of thing happens, do you need to delete everything, reinstall and start again or is there some other way of fixing such issues.' Coz I would have thought that disabling everything would but you back to default. Is this not the case? Even with new games?


Any advice would be much appreciated. Hope this isn't too silly a question. Obviously I'm very green!




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Wow - that's weird! I've never seen a glitch like that.


My guess is that some basic meshes from the vanilla game have become corrupted. If I were in your shoes, I would first of all go on to Steam and get your game files validated, which should restore anything that got corrupted.

Before doing that, back up your current game INI files, and in the re-validation allow Steam to restore the default INI files.

Then see how it looks.

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Wow - that's weird! I've never seen a glitch like that.


My guess is that some basic meshes from the vanilla game have become corrupted. If I were in your shoes, I would first of all go on to Steam and get your game files validated, which should restore anything that got corrupted.

Before doing that, back up your current game INI files, and in the re-validation allow Steam to restore the default INI files.

Then see how it looks.


Thanks for the advice. how do I back up .ini files? Is there an option in steam so they will be loaded again after validation or do you mean just copy them into anther folder while I re-validate?

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Sorry, I was off doing family stuff...


I back them up manually. On re-validation, the ini files will be refreshed unless you ticked them as Read Only. If you really want to make sure you get a new set of default ini files, just delete them and the validation process will supply new ones.

I kept a back-up copy of the default ones as a 'just in case'. Since I tinker with the inis all the time (and, of course break the game :geek: ) it's always handy to have back ups.

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