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Wear several weapons


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One thing that annoys me with the favorites category in Skyrim,

is that you cannot WEAR more than two weapons at once.

And when you sheathe while dual-holding, one weapon remains

in the off hand. Behold the idea of a man with NO SENSE on how to mod Skyrim:


To make it so that you can have more than one weapon equipped.

On your character's armour. Like some of the guys in The Game of Thrones:

A huge two-handed sword on the back, a regular sword on the left side of your hip and

a dagger on the right side .. . well, depending on whether or not you are right-handed.

Not WIELD all of them at once. Just for aesthetics. I loooove aesthetics.


As far as I know, this has yet to become a mod for Skyrim. Short description of my idea:

The mod makes it so that you can have either a bow or a two-handed sword on your back,

AT THE SAME TIME as you have two regular swords or daggers on each side of your hip.

I'd also love it to be so that you don't have to dual-wield to have them there; for instance,

even if you have it all equipped, you don't have to use more than one of them.


Now, given that any of this made sense: Thoughts?

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Of course it makes sense.


If it was easy it would have been done.


This type of mod is extremely work- and talent- dense.


You need to be able to model, and animate, and script.

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