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Fallout 1/2/Tactics Remastered


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This, of course, has been suggested before.


Q: "Why don't we do a remaster of the original Fallouts on the FO4 (or Fallout 76?) engine?"


A: "Because it covers way too large of an area for the open world game format to work in modern graphics."




Fallout 4 has the main map, Far Harbor, and Nuka World, with room for plenty more world spaces if we wanted to add them.


There is no reason these remakes couldn't be done using the same method: different world maps with different means of traveling between them. A Highwayman, perhaps?


And random encounters could be handled similarly, with a handful of non-distinct world maps.


I recognize that this does nothing to address the question of assets and voice files (which would come down to Interplay policy instead of Bethesda's), but this is not much different than projects like Fallout Cascadia, Fallout 4 New Vegas, Fallout Road to Liberty, Fallout Miami, etc. And the list goes on.


And, yes, those are major, long-term projects with massive teams and loads of organization. As this should be.


Additionally, since those are older games and the amount of content compared to some of today's games could be somewhat... limited, I would even go so far as to suggest that additional content could be added as a part of such a project. Were such a project to exist.


Really, the only question is not IF this will happen, but WHEN. Who will take up the call?



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I would rather that they spent their time creating new worlds to explore rather then wasting time remastering the old titles. I can have fun replaying them just as they are.



The Rabbit

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