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XWMA encoder quickly flashes, but then goes away.


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Title says it all. It's happening to a lot of programs that use the command prompt thing. I need this for dialogue in my Skyrim mod. Any help is appreciated! Thanks.


Fuz extractor does the same thing as well.

Edited by Ashtasu
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I quote myself from another thread:



Convert your song to WAV, name it 1.WAV and place it in C:

After download copy xWMAEncode.exe to C: as well, start it - if it doesn't work and closes just run as admin or open the normal cmd prompt, in Windows 7 START BUTTON, search field, enter CMD.

Change to C: (if your command line is already on C: like C:\USERS\NAME\ just enter CD.. twice until you reach C:) now enter:

XWMAENCODE 1.wav 1.xwm

After decoding open C:, copy 1.xwm to ...Skyrim\data\music\special (you have to create these folders) and rename it to mus_maintheme.xwm"

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