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enbseries help


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Probably a snow shader problem.

Open your SkyrimPrefs.ini. It should be in "...Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition.


Under [Display], add the following line (or change it accordingly, if it is already there):



This simply disables the new snow shader.


Hope this helps.

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Probably a snow shader problem.

Open your SkyrimPrefs.ini. It should be in "...Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition.


Under [Display], add the following line (or change it accordingly, if it is already there):



This simply disables the new snow shader.


Hope this helps.


I did that and it just makes the dots smaller and more annoying. Would not using enbseries mess up the other enb and reshades I use or would they be fine without it? I tried deleting the line but that did nothing either.

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I think you have a misconception about how ENB works.

ENB is an add-on to the .exe file of the game (not a mod). It adds all kind of visual functionalities to the game that can be adjusted mid game via a layered menu (not part of the game). It is different than mods that will change game visual like Enhanced Lighting and FX. These mods literately alter objects in game. ENB just changes how you see the game and these objects that Skyrim itself is not aware of the existence of ENB.

And guess where ENB store your setting? In enbseries.ini So if you remove this file, ENB will create an empty enbseries.ini and ENB literately will do nothing for you.

Let's try to be productive here. Tell us which ENB you are using? What version is your ENB binaries? Are you playing Oldrim or Skyrim SE? Using Oldrim ENB for SSE will mess a lot of things up (looks wrong, but won't crash the game). And exactly is so ugly about the screenshot? If you mean the white dot, it could be your mod download. ENB doesn't alter game data. Maybe you should post a screenshot with and without ENB. I think Shift F12 turns on and off ENB in game.

Last but not least, ENB is not 1 magical plug and play download. It will do something. But you also need to learn to adjust things via ENB Menu. Even micro adjusts would make a huge difference.

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I think you have a misconception about how ENB works.


ENB is an add-on to the .exe file of the game (not a mod). It adds all kind of visual functionalities to the game that can be adjusted mid game via a layered menu (not part of the game). It is different than mods that will change game visual like Enhanced Lighting and FX. These mods literately alter objects in game. ENB just changes how you see the game and these objects that Skyrim itself is not aware of the existence of ENB.


And guess where ENB store your setting? In enbseries.ini So if you remove this file, ENB will create an empty enbseries.ini and ENB literately will do nothing for you.


Let's try to be productive here. Tell us which ENB you are using? What version is your ENB binaries? Are you playing Oldrim or Skyrim SE? Using Oldrim ENB for SSE will mess a lot of things up (looks wrong, but won't crash the game). And exactly is so ugly about the screenshot? If you mean the white dot, it could be your mod download. ENB doesn't alter game data. Maybe you should post a screenshot with and without ENB. I think Shift F12 turns on and off ENB in game.


Last but not least, ENB is not 1 magical plug and play download. It will do something. But you also need to learn to adjust things via ENB Menu. Even micro adjusts would make a huge difference.

I am not using any enbs or any mods, I have enbseries downloaded and thats all. The enbseries download I have is v0.343. I'm on skyrim SE and I made sure I'm downloading the one for SE. I have no mods installed so I know it has to be enbseries because when i uninstall it goes away. Here is a comparison with and without. It just seems really weird. https://imgur.com/gallery/9wurKMM I would also like to know if anybody else's snow looks like this with enbseries

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