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Tribes Ascend - A revolutionary fps game.


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Tribes Ascend is a relatively new free to play first person shooter which has just exited the open beta and has now been fully released which is really in my opinion one of the first innovative fps games we've seen in a long time for PC gaming. The main outstanding differences I can see with this game is the fast-paced skiing mechanic which definatley makes for an addictingly-fun fast-paced style of gaming for the old school gamers out there.


The game is beautifully balanced around the classes and there really is no class type which beats all. Another interesting mechanic is that in the capture the flag gametype both teams have a generator on every map which power up the base's defence, the turrets, radar and also any player-deployed shields / smaller versions of turrets. It's a pretty big element to the game type which can tip the balance if left unguarded.


I'll leave a review by IGN here and while I'm at it here's the link to create a free account for it :) Have fun!




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Nice, I always wanted to try Tribes: AA for the PS2 after I read a few reviews. It sounded epic. I'll definitely give this a look.

The video looks fepic, it reminds me of Nexuiz when heavily modded, but with better graphics and certainly a newer engine.


It looks like it's not "just another shooter".

Edited by Rennn
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It's a great game. The sense of speed is awesome, and killing someone with a spinfusor shot is very satisfying.


It takes a lot of practice to begin with since everything is going at high speeds and almost all of the weapons are projectile based, but once you get the feel for it it's very nice.


As for a non-IGN video, here's one but it's from an older beta:





Best to skip straight to 13:00.


The way classes are implemented is entirely different now, the menus are different, there are even fewer hitscan weapons now and the graphics are a bit better now but overall it's the same gameplay. Most complaints like the size of the weapons have already been dealt with.

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Sheesh, I remember Starsiege: Tribes :D That was quite different for back in 1998. Remember it running like absolute garbage on my PC at the time lol.


This one reminded me a lot of it. Graphics are nice and it was fun for a few hours. I thought regular FPS games made my head hurt until I started playing this :P

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I downloaded it, and it's definitely good. I haven't found a way to tell how many people are playing, but it's free, balanced, and you get into almost-full matches instantly, so chances are good that the player numbers are high.


The controls are responsive and it's easy to run, since the terrain is pretty sparse. Textures are pretty good, lighting and shadows are above average, weapon and character models are top notch. It's well balanced, not like the LMG and grenade spam that filled MAG up until that game started to die. The combat is fluid, and the addition of creative weapon types, jetpacks, and skiing (power sliding) remove Tribes Ascend from the usual shooter filler.


Furthermore, although you get extras like new skins for real money, and although you can use real money to speed up your levelling process and buy new classes ahead of time, 99% of the game content is free. If you don't pay you'll miss out on a few guns and a couple skins, but through skill and steady levelling you can unlock all the classes and most of the guns. The guns are all well balanced, so you won't get pwned by people who pay.

Edited by Rennn
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