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[LE] Use World Creator to generate Skyrim terrain

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I've recently started creating a map that I would like to convert into a Skyrim mod and worldspace (topological map at https://ibb.co/iSq9YJ). I briefly tried the Creation Kit heightmap tool but quickly found out why people don't seem to like it. Way to unpredictable and crashed every now and again, leaving extra chunks raised in the world. Obviously, creating a worldspace with the Landscape tools would take way too long, so I'm left with finding 3rd party tools.


From what I have read, using a custom greyscale heightmap seems to be the most common recommendation. I lack any experience with this but would be willing to learn if this is the best way forward. During my research into this I discovered someone who recommended using GeoCreator 2 to create the terrain or modify it from a greyscale map.


GeoCreator 2 seems to now be called World Creator 2 (https://www.world-creator.com), and I was wondering if anyone has experience with it to verify whether it would work. Obviously there would be a difference in sizing and I would have to convert from Skyrim "units" into WC units. I'm merely wondering if I could create a decent landscape in it and import into Skyrim (probably after running TESArryn or whatever).

  1. Does anyone have experience with WorldCreator (or GeoCreator) for creating worlds to import in Skyrim?
  2. How could I convert between Skyrim "units" and WC units?
  3. Would I run into issues with heights?

Are there any recommendations on this or other ideas for creating the worldspace?

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