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Deleting saves, Saves, Steam Saves and Save issues


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Last weekend my game split my game saves into multiple saves. What I mean by this is: I now have my character multiple times in my save lists, each character containing different saves.


Does anyone of you know how this happened?


Also, how do you delete saves? Because saves are saved and synced with the steam cloud, I am never able to fully delete my saves.

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Use the Delete feature from inside the game. After you get to the main game menu, hit Load. Highlight the saves you want to get rid of and hit the Delete button in the lower right-hand corner of your screen. When the saves next synch, if you are asked which set should be used, tell it the local files rather than the Steam cloud. Do not just go into your Saves folder and delete from there. Always work from inside the game. You still may have to delete them a couple of times, but eventually the deletion will "take". :)

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