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Where's the Endorse button?


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I was under the impression that endorsement was a kind of rating system to help people in finding reliable mods? Endorsing at every download kind of ruins the point, or doesn't it?


I endorse something after downloading it, playing it and finding it enough at my taste to actually keep it on my mod list (which is pretty short, about 9 mods from steam, 8 mods from nexus and 2 from wiwiland)


Then again, it's a good reminder. I'm not sure I endorse every mode I'm actually using and they're all deserving it.


edit: btw, nexus constantly tells me I didn't download the file which means to endorse it I have to download it again and wait 15 minutes. It doesn't really help ><

I never said people should endorse every single mod they download. That would be pointless. But if it is a mod you are using and enjoy then yes, I believe it is only right to endorse it. :)

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Yup endorsing the mods you think that deserve it is a good thing, especially since it's in everyone interest including the one who endorses the file. Sadly I don't think people who will read this thread are the one who would disagree with you but hopefully it might remind some to do it if they forgot.


Then again, nexus endorsement system is annoying. It's far more complicated than just "clic it"

Edited by Any_ILL
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Yup endorsing the mods you think that deserve it is a good thing, especially since it's in everyone interest including the one who endorses the file. Sadly I don't think people who will read this thread are the one who would disagree with you but hopefully it might remind some to do it if they forgot.


Then again, nexus endorsement system is annoying. It's far more complicated than just "clic it"

How is it complicated? So they make you wait an hour before endorsing. If you are endorsing a file after only one hour you probably haven't used it enough to know if it deserves it yet anyway. If you mean by remembering which mods you are using in order to endorse them later I admit it could be set up better than the way it currently is but it's always a good idea to track them and if you do then it's no big deal. :) I do agree the endorsement system could be better but it is still nothing compared to the work the authors put in to make the mod in the first place. ;)

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And a kudo to you Staind716, for bringing up this very important point. Let's keep modders happy please. :thumbsup:

Thanks for the kudos but I posted this just as a reminder that even though we are on the internet that doesn't mean all common courtesy should be tossed out the window. This is meant to be a community that helps and respects one another and people should act that way. :thumbsup:


Didn't mean to sound like I handed out the kudo lightly, I didn't . ;) I just felt that you deserved one for bringing up a very good point. I endorse and make an encouraging comment on any mod that I find helpful or fun. If a mod is glitchy or "unfinished" I don't endorse but I might try to add a constructive comment. If it weren't for the modders and the tips I've learned from folks like you in this forum, I'd be done with this game. Mainly because in its current PC vanilla state I couldn't complete a lot of it. Then of course there is the fun stuff that just makes Skyrim better. Plug follows... "Mystical Illumination - Glowing Signs" is my current fav fun mod. I think it's awesome! My 2 cents.

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And a kudo to you Staind716, for bringing up this very important point. Let's keep modders happy please. :thumbsup:

Thanks for the kudos but I posted this just as a reminder that even though we are on the internet that doesn't mean all common courtesy should be tossed out the window. This is meant to be a community that helps and respects one another and people should act that way. :thumbsup:


Didn't mean to sound like I handed out the kudo lightly, I didn't . ;) I just felt that you deserved one for bringing up a very good point. I endorse and make an encouraging comment on any mod that I find helpful or fun. If a mod is glitchy or "unfinished" I don't endorse but I might try to add a constructive comment. If it weren't for the modders and the tips I've learned from folks like you in this forum, I'd be done with this game. Mainly because in its current PC vanilla state I couldn't complete a lot of it. Then of course there is the fun stuff that just makes Skyrim better. Plug follows... "Mystical Illumination - Glowing Signs" is my current fav fun mod. I think it's awesome! My 2 cents.

Didn't mean to sound like I didn't appreciate it because I do. Thank you. :thumbsup: I love the Mystical Illumination myself. Very cool mod and looks fantastic in game. :biggrin:

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I think mods put their work out there (mostly) not expecting to be endorsed but just to give the user an experience that they created. I don't think a lack of % of endorsements would make most modders stop modding - they do it because it's a challenge and they like creating user content. I don't really feel like not endorsing something, even if it's perfect, is really a bad thing. If you feel compelled to express your gratitude, go for it! And it will be appreciated. But I don't think it's expected is all. If I had an extremely popular mod with less than 10% endorsements, I'd still be on cloud 9 - and you'd know people loved it. You wouldn't need an endorsement button for that.


Just my 2 cents :) Not trying to be argumentative, just add my point of view.

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I think mods put their work out there (mostly) not expecting to be endorsed but just to give the user an experience that they created. I don't think a lack of % of endorsements would make most modders stop modding - they do it because it's a challenge and they like creating user content. I don't really feel like not endorsing something, even if it's perfect, is really a bad thing. If you feel compelled to express your gratitude, go for it! And it will be appreciated. But I don't think it's expected is all. If I had an extremely popular mod with less than 10% endorsements, I'd still be on cloud 9 - and you'd know people loved it. You wouldn't need an endorsement button for that.


Just my 2 cents :) Not trying to be argumentative, just add my point of view.

I understand what you are saying about most modders making their mod just for the love of modding and sharing it with other people. It's just my opinion that endorsing a mod is the same as saying thank you for all of your hard work. Not being argumentative either, just my opinion. :)

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I've been getting better about endorsing the mods I use. I don't have many now so it's pretty easy. But I do give myself enough time playing with the mod to decide if it's good, bad, glitchy, not to my taste, or whatever. I don't get to play a lot so it's usually a couple weeks before I return to endorse.


I should try to leave comments as well, this I never do. I'll have to work on that. I usually wait until a mod has been out a while and thoroughly tested/commented on before I download it so I always figured there wasn't a point in commenting. But I guess a simple "good job" type post is still appreciated even when there are so many others.

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I've been getting better about endorsing the mods I use. I don't have many now so it's pretty easy. But I do give myself enough time playing with the mod to decide if it's good, bad, glitchy, not to my taste, or whatever. I don't get to play a lot so it's usually a couple weeks before I return to endorse.


I should try to leave comments as well, this I never do. I'll have to work on that. I usually wait until a mod has been out a while and thoroughly tested/commented on before I download it so I always figured there wasn't a point in commenting. But I guess a simple "good job" type post is still appreciated even when there are so many others.

This is the right attitude to have bro. More people need to stop and think about if it was their mod wouldn't they like to know that it was appreciated? :thumbsup:

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I wholeheartedly agree with this. While I can't say I've endorsed every single mod I've liked in my TES games, I have endorsed the majority of them. There are some mods which have enhanced my experience with the games so much that not endorsing them would have been a disservice to the modder;
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