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Get Reference of a NPC without alias...


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I'm trying to create a triggerbox which activates when a NPC walks into it. Sounds pretty simple. And it is probably but I don't know how I can get if the NPC is walking into it without an alias. Cause I can't make an alias in a triggerbox , right?
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Uhm, another idea came to my mind, but i think the better way is with a scene.


You can put a "travel" package on the NPC, with a particular quest stage as condition.


Then you have to call the quest stage with something (cell entering, dialogue, event). When the quest stage is called, the NPC will run the package and go in the triggerbox.


Anyway, i don't understand why you don't want to use aliases. They're the the best thing in Creation Kit, imho, they make the base actor clean and give you a visual separation of the roles the NPC takes in your mod/story

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You just have to put the alias instead of the base actor in the conditions for the trigger to work.


If working with a scene you won't have to use a triggerbox, since you can tell an alias to go in a spot (phase 1) and then put your event in the papyrus fragment at the end of the phase 1.


Triggerbox are usually used for player actions, or random actions for NPCs (like if during his Sandbox package the NPC passes on the trigger, something happens).


If the event is related to a particular situation, you can do everything with a scene.

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Why can't you simply make a script with a "OnTriggerEnterEvent(ObjRef)", and check if "ObjRef" is equal to an Actor Property variable "NPCRef"? And then in properties you assign the NPC's reference to NPCref.
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