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shitty draw distance


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Oh god it's so terrible. I get the game to look beautiful with rock mods and floral mods but I'm walking out in the open and suddenly giant f***ing ruins appear out of nowhere. It's so distracting and I've tried searching online but I've found no fix. Ex. Walking to the ritual stone and I can see Whiterun in the background, then, the giant pillars and rocks leading up to it appear out of nowhere close to my character. Anyone have a fix. (I can attach pictures if someone replies)

Edited by EricJamesKallen9
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YouTube uploader Wazalang has a video guide if you can find that. Keep in mind his guide include ultra trees which you may not want if you struggle for performance. If you donât want ultra just skip his instructions to activate ultra trees.


Another YouTuber Gamerpoets has a video installation guide but that is for Oldrim so may not totally apply. I recommend his tutorials generally though and he has currently been actively posting new vids so maybe he now has a special edition version. Worth checking


Give the Wazalang video a try. Post here if you have a problem and I will try to help

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Ah yeah, you're right. I thought somehow that DynDOLOD already released. I think I'll wait until full release because the mod is bound to have some issues right now. It's a shame, IMO one of the greatest mods out there.

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Oh god it's so terrible. I get the game to look beautiful with rock mods and floral mods but I'm walking out in the open and suddenly giant f***ing ruins appear out of nowhere. It's so distracting and I've tried searching online but I've found no fix. Ex. Walking to the ritual stone and I can see Whiterun in the background, then, the giant pillars and rocks leading up to it appear out of nowhere close to my character. Anyone have a fix. (I can attach pictures if someone replies)

You know, I can even live with this. But the horrible distanced view is getting to me. It looks worse than Minecraft.


What I love about Skyrim (and FO4) is the chance of looking out toward the horizon to enjoy a beautiful sunrise or sunset. I spent a lot of time in FO4 ensuring my horizon was not blocky and circular. Now in Skyrim SE, the distance looks horrible. I used some high res LOD and billboard, built with SSELogGen. They look better, but still quite bad.

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Maybe you've messed with your ugridstoload too much. I think the default is 5. Try playing with that setting.

For the very reason of stability, I avoid messing with Grid load. I could, and did try it in FO4 for the sake of experimentation, but never saved. Grid load actually pushes LOD back and force game to render more real mesh/texture. But as with everything, survival takes priority over aesthetic. And in this case, survival means the stability and resilience against CTD for the game. So I haven't even touched the grid loads despite my complaints about "horrible distance view".

Edited by tomomi1922
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