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Steam Breath Magic Description Problem

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I've added a spell like the DLC2 Breath Of Nchuak. It's set up the same way but I wanted it to get progressively stronger the more pieces of a unique armour set were found and worn. That way I can put the 2nd, third and final pieces in increasingly higher levelled dungeons.


To cut a long story short, it is now all working fine except for the magic description, which I wanted to reflect the magnitude of the spell effect being used. It doesn't. It lists every one of the four variants no matter how many pieces are equipped. The actual spell cast works as intended, getting stronger with each part of the set worn.


I set up the effects in the power spell the same way I chose which effect to use when the script ran to cast the spell. ie, I had four steambreath effects listed in each spell and applied conditions to each of them.


I used the condition WornApparelHasKeywordCount == #, run on the player. Where # is the number of pieces worn and assigned my new keyword to each piece of armour.


I had hoped that what worked for the actual spell selection would also work here, with only one effect description showing up in the powers menu.


Any ideas why this doesn't work? Is there a different way to handle the SteamBreathPower spell?

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