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FollowersCompanionPackage interrupt or override for evil deeds

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Without editing the base game FollowersCompanionPackage, or the Followers quest that applies it, is it possible to interrupt or override that package so the current companion can do something new ?


Working on some evil activity where if the player does things, the companion will start stealing stuff and attacking neutrals whilst blaming the player.


Its quite amusing and all works fine on a non companion NPC.


When they are companion(ized) they refuse to evaluate the travel package that moves them to the evil activity marker, they just sit solidly on [Package < (0002A101)>] FollowersCompanionPackage.


A klunky workaround is to DismissCompanion - travelpackage - SetCompanion with messages disabled, but it isn't smooth and fires the usual stack of companion related workshopparentscript errors.


Any other workarounds ?

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Also rather irritating that the travel package is conditionally enabled by a GlobalVariable value, which I would like the package to zero on Completion to self manage.


The OnEnd script never fires, so have to run external OnDistanceLessThan to set the flag.


I'm guessing that package OnEnd is not the same as package Complete ?

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My experience is you can override their current companion's package with a higher priority one - but I've never tried anything that goes against their crime factions or the player's.


It seems that each companion has its own crime faction on top of a few other ones, DiamondCity crime for Valentine for instance or BOS crime for Danse. As well as several scripts attached to their actor bases which seem to handle that.


What you have in mind sounds feasable but you probably look forward to juggling around a lot between the general companion quest, their individual settings, and the factions they're attached to.

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Its all working on companions without using crime factions.


Just inelegant workarounds and wrappers, so I'm looking for any improvements.


Edit: where do you set package priority ?

Edited by SKK50
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Yeah, inelegant workarounds I know, seems I had to do that a lot lately too :)


You set priority on your quest, sorry if that wasn't clear - Followers quest is set to 90, usually seting a higher priority quest to 91 or 92 is enough.

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Lovely !


Setting the EvilCompanionActivity quest higher priority @99 than Followers @90 solves all the issues, no more bounce and rejoin companion and the package OnEnd is firing to release. Evil companion theft and murder is a GO. Should be good for Porter.


Thank you, case closed.

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You're welcome!.. LOL - 99? Sounds like your "EvilCompCompany" may very well change the outcome of a few quests!.. :laugh:

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