LegacyUnveiled Posted June 9, 2018 Share Posted June 9, 2018 So whenever I'm in the wilderness wolves just ignore me and dont attack. and whenever I go to Bruma via the Live another life - Bruma mod, the Game crashes after about 15 seconds. since having this issue i have cleaned everything up with SEEDIT, Ill include my load list and crash report below, please help, Ive been troubleshooting for hours. 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp 6 6 Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm 7 7 MagicDuelReborn.esm 8 8 BSAssets.esm 9 9 BSHeartland.esm 10 a BS_DLC_patch.esp 11 b Campfire.esm 12 c Cutting Room Floor.esp 13 d SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp 14 e tpos_ultimate_esm.esp 15 f TGIO - Merchants and Gold Overhaul(V4.65) - SSE.esp 16 10 RLO - Interiors.esp 17 11 TGIO - The Great Immersion Overhaul (V4.65) - SSE.esp 18 12 TGIO - The Great Immersive Overhaul USSEP Patch.esp 19 13 MasterArchmagesRobes.esp 20 14 HearthFire Display Case Fix.esp 21 15 SkyUI_SE.esp 22 16 Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp 23 17 No Edge Glow - Magic and Transformations.esp 24 18 MenusOfSkyrimAlduinDoom.esp 25 19 Footprints.esp 26 1a Botox.esp 27 1b WARZONES - SSE - Civil Unrest.esp 28 1c Book Covers Skyrim.esp 29 1d Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul - Skyrim.esp 30 1e Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp 31 1f dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp 32 20 dD-Larger Splatter Size.esp 33 21 ISC Enhanced Blood Patch.esp 34 22 DeadlySpellImpacts.esp 35 23 Immersive Jewelry.esp 36 24 GreatWarSkyrim.esp 37 25 SoundsofSkyrimComplete.esp 38 26 Vivid WeathersSE.esp 39 27 Vivid Weathers SE - Bruma Patch.esp 40 28 TrueStormsSE.esp 41 29 VWTSSE-Patch.esp 42 2a Vivid Weathers SE - Extended Snow.esp 43 2b Vivid Weathers SE - SOS Patch.esp 44 2c SoS_VividWeathers_Patch.esp 45 2d SoS_TrueStorms_Patch.esp 46 2e icepenguinworldmapclassic.esp 47 2f Civil War Aftermath.esp 48 30 tpos_crf_patch_01.esp 49 31 RLO - Exteriors.esp 50 32 Undeath.esp 51 33 OBIS SE.esp 52 34 TGIO - Enemies Of Skyrim (V4.65) -SSE .esp 53 35 TGIO - Sounds of Skyrim.esp 54 36 PrvtI_HeavyArmory.esp 55 37 Heavy Armory Enchanted.esp 56 38 TGIO - Loot Overhaul (Daedric Version)(V4.65) - SSE.esp 57 39 skyBirds_SSE.esp 58 3a BirdsOfSkyrim_SSE.esp 59 3b Man Those Borders!.esp 60 3c weight.esp 61 3d RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp 62 3e Sjel Blad Castle_SE.esp 63 3f Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp 64 40 BattleAftermath.esp 65 41 SOS_RLOInteriors_Patch.esp 66 42 TKAA.esp 67 43 Immersive Weapons.esp 68 44 AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp 69 45 Immersive Music.esp 70 46 Cloaks.esp 71 47 fallentreebridgesSSE.esp 72 48 DLCIntegration.esp 73 49 mihailpheasantsandducks.esp 74 4a Immersive Wenches.esp 75 4b Tomebound.esp 76 4c Populated Cities Towns Villages Legendary.esp 77 4d Hunterborn.esp 78 4e Immersive Patrols II.esp 79 4f BosmerArmorMATY743.esp 80 50 Skyshards.esp 81 51 tpos_rlo_exteriors_patch_01.esp 82 52 Frostfall.esp 83 53 Vigilant.esp 84 54 PsijicTeleportSpells.esp 85 55 mihailmmaminotaur.esp 86 56 mihailsquirrel.esp 87 57 Book Covers Skyrim - Lost Library.esp 88 58 Populated Skyrim Prisons Cells.esp 89 59 TGIO - Combat AI Overhaul(V4.65) - SSE.esp 90 5a SMDropLitTorch.esp 91 5b SilencedPrisoners.esp 92 5c Runandwalkpaces.esp 93 5d 30 arrows attached.esp 94 5e LWPlayerHeadTracking.esp 95 5f Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp 96 60 Hotsprings of Skyrim.esp 97 61 Move it Dammit.esp 98 62 KS Hairdo's.esp 99 63 Hirsute Beards.esp100 64 Beards.esp101 65 FaceSculptorsRacemenu.esp102 66 ShieldWard.esp103 67 Hunterborn - Campfire Patch.esp104 68 Chesko_WearableLantern.esp105 69 mihailmongoose.esp106 6a notice board.esp107 6b rotmulaag.esp108 6c EasierRidersDungeonPackSSE.esp109 6d NotSoFast-MainQuest.esp110 6e Killable Children.esp111 6f DawnguardDragonbornTiming.esp112 70 OBIS SE - NoticeBoard - Addon.esp113 71 Vigilant Voiced.esp114 72 Freya.esp115 73 Daenerys Follower.esp116 74 Azog Follower.esp117 75 Summon Dragon Priest.esp RealisticNeedsandDiseases_Frostfall Patch.esp118 76 Purification of Skyrim.esp119 77 garm_ghost.esp120 78 VioLens SE.esp121 79 BetterTreasuryHouse.esp122 7a sirwho_Wizard_Hat.esp123 7b FaceMasksOfSkyrim.esp124 7c Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp125 7d Cloaks - USSEP Patch.esp126 7e isilNarsil.esp127 7f bookofknowledge.esp128 80 RainRepel.esp129 81 Diverse Imperial Soldiers.esp130 82 moonpath.esp131 83 OBIS SE Patrols Addon.esp132 84 ISD_Longclaw.esp133 85 Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.esp134 86 Faster Spells and Projectiles - Apocalypse (Speed and Range).esp135 87 CinematicFireFX.esp136 88 FireBurns.esp137 89 StormWrathLightning.esp138 8a AlduinsStormShout.esp139 8b DragonbornDisenchanting.esp140 8c Mors Feminine Females - All but orcs.esp141 8d Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp142 8e AGirlHasArmor.esp143 8f BosmerElderShadowArmor.esp144 90 HistoricalWeapons.esp145 91 WetandCold.esp146 92 CraftableSkaalforFrostfall.esp147 93 DCR_KingCrusaderMegaPack_SSE.esp148 94 DreamBurrowsRegalHuntsmanArmor.esp149 95 Ursine Armour - Non HDT.esp150 96 MDKnight.esp151 97 Redguard Noble Armor.esp152 98 SauronsArmorFixed.esp153 99 RGMsAlchemistsCompendium.esp154 9a D13JarrinRoot.esp155 9b DLCIntegration Beyond Skyrim Compatibility Patch.esp156 9c ringOfPureMixturesImproved.esp157 9d Invisibility.esp158 9e JaxonzBlinkTeleport2.esp159 9f 3xDualCast.esp160 a0 Masterspells.esp161 a1 MoreWards.esp162 a2 Elemental barrage.esp163 a3 Necromantic spells.esp164 a4 New Summon Creature Spells.esp165 a5 NoSpells.esp166 a6 Pyromancy.esp167 a7 Resurrect_Ritual.esp168 a8 New Skyrim Master Spells.esp169 a9 Slow and Freeze Time Spells -TwinCrows.esp170 aa TheDarkPathSpells.esp171 ab SlowTimePower.esp172 ac SuffocateSpell.esp173 ad Telekinetic Shove for SSE.esp174 ae truetelekinesis.esp175 af Unlimited Karstaag Summons.esp176 b0 Unlock spell, staff and scroll.esp177 b1 RLO - Effects.esp178 b2 RLO - Illuminated Spells.esp179 b3 RLO - CRF Patch.esp180 b4 CrossbowsOfSkyrim.esp181 b5 manny_mjollnir.esp182 b6 Radzig - Johnskyrim.esp183 b7 SwordofIsildur.esp184 b8 tamu75GreatSword.esp185 b9 CiriOutfit.esp186 ba TrueStorms_Wet&Cold_Patch.esp187 bb RLO - LAL Patch.esp188 bc Waterwalking Spells.esp189 bd RLO - TKAA Patch.esp190 be TGIO - Reverb and Ambience.esp191 bf TGIO - Immersive Sounds Patch.esp192 c0 RND_BSHeartland.esp193 c1 JRMoonpathBrumaPatch.esp194 c2 ImprovedFishBASIC.esp195 c3 Warm Drinks.esp196 c4 BCS_NotsoFast_Patch.esp197 c5 VendorComments.esp198 c6 USSEP-Immersive Weapons Patch.esp199 c7 GreatWarSkyrimDGPatch.esp200 c8 Public Executions.esp201 c9 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp202 ca tpos_altstart_02.esp203 cb Bruma - Alternate Start.esp204 cc Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp205 cd Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp206 ce RDO - iAFT Patch.esp207 cf tpos_immersive_clit_patch_01.esp208 d0 CFTO.esp209 d1 Convenient Horses.esp210 d2 RLO - IC Patch.esp211 d3 TPOS and CFTO Patch.esp212 d4 CH Bruma Patch.esp213 d5 RealisticWaterTwo.esp214 d6 RWT Lod Fix.esp215 d7 RWT - People of Skyrim Patch.esp [06/10/2018 - 02:39:27AM] Papyrus log opened (PC)[06/10/2018 - 02:39:27AM] error: Native function GetEquippedArmorInSlot in empty state could find no matching function on linked type Actor. Function will not be bound.[06/10/2018 - 02:39:27AM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)[06/10/2018 - 02:39:27AM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 153600 (max total)[06/10/2018 - 02:39:29AM] Cannot open store for class "DLC1TestPhilAtronach", missing file?[06/10/2018 - 02:39:29AM] Cannot open store for class "ddunequiphandlerscript", missing file?[06/10/2018 - 02:39:29AM] Cannot open store for class "ddunequipmcmscript", missing file?[06/10/2018 - 02:39:30AM] Cannot open store for class "CellReturn", missing file?[06/10/2018 - 02:39:31AM] : fatal: Magic number doesn't match, file is not a compiled script.[06/10/2018 - 02:39:31AM] Error: Unable to bind script QF_GWWE13_02102D85 to _GWWE13 (24102D85) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:31AM] : fatal: Magic number doesn't match, file is not a compiled script.[06/10/2018 - 02:39:31AM] Error: Unable to bind script GWIvarsteadQuestScript to _GWIvarsteadAgents (240FFB32) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:31AM] Cannot open store for class "CustomINISettingsControllerScript", missing file?[06/10/2018 - 02:39:31AM] Cannot open store for class "INISettingsCtrlPlayerAliasScript", missing file?[06/10/2018 - 02:39:31AM] Cannot open store for class "CWACleanupScript", missing file?[06/10/2018 - 02:39:31AM] Error: Unable to bind script CWACleanupScript to CWACleanupQuest (2F00BC4E) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:31AM] Cannot open store for class "QF_CWACleanupQuest_0200BC4E", missing file?[06/10/2018 - 02:39:31AM] Error: Unable to bind script QF_CWACleanupQuest_0200BC4E to CWACleanupQuest (2F00BC4E) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:31AM] Cannot open store for class "Mycastanotherspellscript", missing file?[06/10/2018 - 02:39:31AM] Cannot open store for class "CCO_LearningTokenScript", missing file?[06/10/2018 - 02:39:32AM] Cannot open store for class "betterstealthai_main", missing file?[06/10/2018 - 02:39:32AM] Error: Unable to bind script traptriggerbase to TweakTraps (4400C515) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:32AM] Error: Unable to bind script TrapBear to TweakTraps (4400C515) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:32AM] Cannot open store for class "SF_TweakP1Pose_02017788", missing file?[06/10/2018 - 02:39:32AM] Error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Pose_02017788 to (44017788) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:32AM] Cannot open store for class "SF_TweakP1Hangout_02017201", missing file?[06/10/2018 - 02:39:32AM] Error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Hangout_02017201 to (44017201) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:32AM] Cannot open store for class "QF_AAAPracticeAddAlteration0_06385F5F", missing file?[06/10/2018 - 02:39:32AM] Error: Unable to bind script QF_AAAPracticeAddAlteration0_06385F5F to AAAPracticeAddAlteration00ToVendor (4B385F5F) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:32AM] Cannot open store for class "MyModInstallScript", missing file?[06/10/2018 - 02:39:32AM] Error: Unable to bind script MyModInstallScript to AAAPracticeAddAlteration00ToVendor (4B385F5F) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:33AM] Cannot open store for class "isilStingGlow", missing file?[06/10/2018 - 02:39:34AM] Cannot open store for class "ajk_SetWeatherScript", missing file?[06/10/2018 - 02:39:34AM] Cannot open store for class "QF_ajk_TeachShout_02000D61", missing file?[06/10/2018 - 02:39:34AM] Error: Unable to bind script QF_ajk_TeachShout_02000D61 to ajk_TeachShout (8A000D61) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:34AM] Cannot open store for class "tc_SlowTimeSpeed", missing file?[06/10/2018 - 02:39:34AM] Cannot open store for class "NPCO_MyConfigMenu", missing file?[06/10/2018 - 02:39:34AM] Error: Unable to bind script NPCO_MyConfigMenu to NPCO_MyConfigMenu (C99C39F2) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:39AM] Cannot open store for class "TPOS_DOOR_01", missing file?[06/10/2018 - 02:39:39AM] Error: Unable to bind script TPOS_DOOR_01 to (0E78029F) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:39AM] Cannot open store for class "SBCAutoSortNoActiScript", missing file?[06/10/2018 - 02:39:39AM] Error: Unable to bind script SBCAutoSortNoActiScript to (3E0A54E9) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:39AM] Error: Unable to bind script SBCAutoSortNoActiScript to (3E0A54EA) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:39AM] Error: Unable to bind script SBCAddGuardScript to (3E8DCC9D) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:39AM] Cannot open store for class "SBCAutoSortChestMasterScript", missing file?[06/10/2018 - 02:39:39AM] Error: Unable to bind script SBCAutoSortChestMasterScript to (3E55CBC9) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:39AM] Error: Unable to bind script SBCFlyScript to (3E2F6C27) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:39AM] Error: Unable to bind script SBCAutoSortChestMasterScript to (3E3DAFD2) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:39AM] Error: Unable to bind script SBCAutoSortNoActiScript to (3E25E5C9) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:39AM] Error: Unable to bind script defaultOnHitActivateLinkedRef to (6C02E827) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:39AM] Error: Unable to bind script defaultOnHitActivateLinkedRef to (6C02E828) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:39AM] Error: Unable to bind script defaultOnHitActivateLinkedRef to (6C02E825) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:39AM] Error: Unable to bind script defaultOnHitActivateLinkedRef to (6C02D3BF) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:39AM] Error: Unable to bind script defaultOnHitActivateLinkedRef to (6C02E826) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:39AM] Error: Unable to bind script defaultOnHitActivateLinkedRef to (6C02D3C1) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:39AM] Error: Unable to bind script defaultOnHitActivateLinkedRef to (6C02D3C0) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:39AM] Error: Unable to bind script defaultOnHitActivateLinkedRef to (6C02DBCF) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:39AM] Error: Unable to bind script defaultOnHitActivateLinkedRef to (6C02DBD0) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:39AM] Error: Unable to bind script defaultOnHitActivateLinkedRef to (6C02DBCE) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:39AM] Error: Unable to bind script defaultOnHitActivateLinkedRef to (6C02DBD1) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property myHoldLocation on script WECrimeFactionAliasScript attached to alias Thalmor1 on quest _GWWERoad03 (2409F047) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (4) on <nullptr quest> (2409F042) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property myHoldLocation on script WECrimeFactionAliasScript attached to alias Thalmor2 on quest _GWWERoad03 (2409F047) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (4) on <nullptr quest> (2409F042) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property myHoldLocation on script WECrimeFactionAliasScript attached to alias Thalmor3 on quest _GWWERoad03 (2409F047) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (4) on <nullptr quest> (2409F042) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property LinkCustom01 on script GWFortPrisonerScript attached to alias FortPrisonerDominion01 on quest _GWFortPrisonerRescueSungard (240CFC59) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property LinkCustom01 on script GWFortPrisonerScript attached to alias FortPrisonerDominion02 on quest _GWFortPrisonerRescueSungard (240CFC59) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property LinkCustom01 on script GWFortPrisonerScript attached to alias FortPrisonerDominion03 on quest _GWFortPrisonerRescueSungard (240CFC59) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property LinkCustom01 on script GWFortPrisonerScript attached to alias FortPrisonerSkyrim01 on quest _GWFortPrisonerRescueSungard (240CFC59) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property LinkCustom01 on script GWFortPrisonerScript attached to alias FortPrisonerSkyrim02 on quest _GWFortPrisonerRescueSungard (240CFC59) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property LinkCustom01 on script GWFortPrisonerScript attached to alias FortPrisonerSkyrim03 on quest _GWFortPrisonerRescueSungard (240CFC59) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property myHoldLocation on script WECrimeFactionAliasScript attached to alias Thalmor1 on quest _GWWERoad02 (2409F043) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (4) on <nullptr quest> (2409F042) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property myHoldLocation on script WECrimeFactionAliasScript attached to alias Thalmor2 on quest _GWWERoad02 (2409F043) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (4) on <nullptr quest> (2409F042) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property myHoldLocation on script WECrimeFactionAliasScript attached to alias Thalmor3 on quest _GWWERoad02 (2409F043) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (4) on <nullptr quest> (2409F042) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Unable to bind script INISettingsCtrlPlayerAliasScript to alias Player on quest CustomINISettingsControllerQuest (263CC095) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property kwSoupCrafting on script _ds_hb_player attached to alias Player on quest _DS_Hunterborn (4D003367) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property FusItem on script RotmulaagLetterScript attached to alias Letter on quest RotmulaagMeditationsQuest (6B0F4962) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Unable to bind script AnvilDencheckjusticar to alias Justicar on quest AnvilDenQuest (8201ED3C) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property aaaunlockquestDUPLICATE003 on script aaaPlayerUnlockCasting attached to alias Player on quest aaaunlockquestDUPLICATE001 (B004843F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property aaaunlockquest on script aaaPlayerUnlockCasting attached to alias Player on quest aaaunlockquestDUPLICATE001 (B004843F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property aaaunlockquestDUPLICATE001 on script aaaPlayerUnlockCasting attached to alias Player on quest aaaunlockquestDUPLICATE001 (B004843F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property aaaunlockquestDUPLICATE004 on script aaaPlayerUnlockCasting attached to alias Player on quest aaaunlockquestDUPLICATE001 (B004843F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property aaaunlockquestDUPLICATE002 on script aaaPlayerUnlockCasting attached to alias Player on quest aaaunlockquestDUPLICATE001 (B004843F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property aaaunlockquestDUPLICATE003 on script aaaPlayerUnlockCasting attached to alias Player on quest aaaunlockquest (B0047EDA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property aaaunlockquest on script aaaPlayerUnlockCasting attached to alias Player on quest aaaunlockquest (B0047EDA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property aaaunlockquestDUPLICATE001 on script aaaPlayerUnlockCasting attached to alias Player on quest aaaunlockquest (B0047EDA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property aaaunlockquestDUPLICATE004 on script aaaPlayerUnlockCasting attached to alias Player on quest aaaunlockquest (B0047EDA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property Detect on script aaaPlayerUnlockCasting attached to alias Player on quest aaaunlockquest (B0047EDA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property aaaunlockquestDUPLICATE002 on script aaaPlayerUnlockCasting attached to alias Player on quest aaaunlockquest (B0047EDA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3EF08349) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3EF08349) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property InteriorIMODList on script INISettingsCtrlQuestScript attached to CustomINISettingsControllerQuest (263CC095) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property ExteriorIMODList on script INISettingsCtrlQuestScript attached to CustomINISettingsControllerQuest (263CC095) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMMenu on script _teleportomnisaveloc attached to _teleportOmnipresenceSaveLocQuest (54014D8C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property ArmorHelmet on script SBCHoATransformation attached to (3ED06B15) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MQ105 on script SBCHoATransformation attached to (3ED06B15) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRehireMarcurio attached to topic info 00104F1D on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property NecroBlackBookQuest on script dlc2bookdungeoncontrollerscript attached to DLC2BookDungeonController (04016E21) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property ScourgBarrow on script dlc2bookdungeoncontrollerscript attached to DLC2BookDungeonController (04016E21) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6BE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6BE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5400F2DF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5400F2DE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6BC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6BC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property prisonerclothes on script PE_prisonerinit attached to (D7003A2A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRehireErik attached to topic info 00104F1E on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3EF08346) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3EF08346) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property Delete on script _PoisonAddVincenteToPLayerFaction attached to (760DE49C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property CWOwner on script QF_MS11Kicker_000BAC24 attached to MS11Kicker (000BAC24) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property WindhelmLocation on script QF_MS11Kicker_000BAC24 attached to MS11Kicker (000BAC24) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5401120F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3EF08343) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3EF08343) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6B8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6B8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E42CA3F) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E42CA3F) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5401121D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6AF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6AF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6AE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6AE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E9DA6AD) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E9DA6AD) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6AC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6AC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5401121F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6A8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6A8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6A9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6A9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9E9A3E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9E9A3E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9E9A3D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9E9A3D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6AA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6AA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6AB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6AB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property ChestLight on script SBCPrimalAllignment attached to (3E4936B3) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E46FDBC) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC844) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC844) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E318EC4) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E318EC4) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6A7) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6A7) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E50BDE6) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E50BDE6) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC841) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC841) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property myBook on script DLC2ApocryphaBookMarkerTriggerScript attached to (32225243) cannot be bound because (32125087) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRecruitMarcurio attached to topic info 000BDB4D on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E2AA794) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E2AA794) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E2AA793) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E2AA793) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E2AA792) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E2AA792) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E249D19) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E249D19) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property CidhnaMineLocation on script SBCMineOreWithReset attached to (3E116742) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property AchievementsQuest on script SBCMineOreWithReset attached to (3E116742) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property DepletedMessage on script SBCMineOreWithReset attached to (3E116742) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property DrScOreOpen on script SBCMineOreWithReset attached to (3E116742) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property CidhnaMinePlayerBedREF on script SBCMineOreWithReset attached to (3E116742) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property FailureMessage on script SBCMineOreWithReset attached to (3E116742) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property DialogueCidhnaMine on script SBCMineOreWithReset attached to (3E116742) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MS02 on script SBCMineOreWithReset attached to (3E116742) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property chest on script SBCDeityFavor attached to (3E2EAF62) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E4F195B) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRehireStenvar attached to topic info 00104F20 on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRehireVorstag attached to topic info 00104F21 on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E249D15) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E249D15) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E249CF9) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E249CF9) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E249D03) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E249D03) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRecruitStenvar attached to topic info 000BDFB1 on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property corpse on script hangedManScript attached to (2F00446B) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (2F004472) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E249CFB) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E249CFB) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E249CFF) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E249CFF) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E249D05) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E249D05) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRecruitJenassa attached to topic info 0001A1CD on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRecruitBelrand attached to topic info 0001A1CF on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E9D558A) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E9D558B) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E9D558B) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCAmmoList on script SBCArcheryTargetHitScript attached to (3EC78469) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property ArrowReturnChest on script SBCArcheryTargetHitScript attached to (3EC78469) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCAmmoList on script SBCArcheryTargetHitScript attached to (3EC78463) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property ArrowReturnChest on script SBCArcheryTargetHitScript attached to (3EC78463) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3ED200A9) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3ED200A9) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E431BAC) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E431BAC) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCAmmoList on script SBCArcheryTargetHitScript attached to (3EC78464) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property ArrowReturnChest on script SBCArcheryTargetHitScript attached to (3EC78464) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E9D5586) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E9D5586) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E9D5587) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E9D5587) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCChestKitchenBeverages on script SBCCraftingStationLeaveScript attached to (3E41CB9F) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E3EF47B) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCChestKitchenBeverages on script SBCCraftingStationLeaveScript attached to (3E41CB9D) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E3EF47B) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property ASC on script SBCAutoSortChestScript attached to (3E51A67F) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E41CCA2) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC82C) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC82C) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property Defender9 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (63) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property Attacker5 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (49) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property TriggerPhase2D on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (81) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property TriggerPhase4E on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (88) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property TriggerPhase3D on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (82) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property Defender6 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (60) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property TriggerPhase2C on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (76) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property TriggerPhase5B on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (74) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property Defender4 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (58) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property TriggerPhase4B on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (73) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property TriggerPhase4C on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (78) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property Attacker9 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (53) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property Defender5 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (59) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property Defender3 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (57) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property TriggerPhase2B on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (71) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property Attacker4 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (48) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property Attacker2 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (46) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property Attacker3 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (47) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property TriggerPhase2E on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (86) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property TriggerPhase3E on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (87) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property TriggerPhase4D on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (83) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property Defender2 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (56) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property Attacker6 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (50) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property TriggerPhase5C on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (79) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property TriggerPhase3B on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (72) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property Defender8 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (62) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property Defender7 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (61) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property TriggerPhase3C on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (77) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property Defender10 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (64) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC82F) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC82F) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property ASC on script SBCAutoSortChestScript attached to (3E51A681) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E41CCA2) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC824) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC824) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E42CA45) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E42CA45) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6C3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6C3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC827) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC827) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E2911D9) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E2911D9) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E42CA42) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E42CA42) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property toSkyrimMapMarker on script CYR_QF_CYRSkyrimBorderGateTop_020D3F2C attached to CYRSkyrimBorderGateTopLevelQuest (0A0D3F2C) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (0A0D79CE) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6C5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6C5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC821) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC821) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property TeleportSpellOut on script SBCTeleportationAutoDoorScript attached to (3E506C69) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC835) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC835) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property Forge on script AtrFrgSigilStoneScript attached to (3E8C374A) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E8C3745) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC836) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC836) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D918) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property TeleportSpellOut on script SBCTeleportationAutoDoorScript attached to (3E506C6A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property TeleportSpellOut on script SBCTeleportationAutoDoorScript attached to (3E506C6E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property TeleportSpellOut on script SBCTeleportationAutoDoorScript attached to (3E506C6F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC832) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC832) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCAmmoList on script SBCArcheryTargetHitScript attached to (3E06D320) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property ArrowReturnChest on script SBCArcheryTargetHitScript attached to (3E06D320) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property TeleportSpellOut on script SBCTeleportationAutoDoorScript attached to (3E506C6D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property TrophaeumMarker on script SBCStewardPurchaseMenuScript attached to (3E53466A) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3EB24547) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property ASC on script SBCAutoSortChestScript attached to (3E41D428) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E41CCA2) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (54002F9F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property TeleportSpellOut on script SBCTeleportationAutoDoorScript attached to (3E506C65) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property TeleportSpellOut on script SBCTeleportationAutoDoorScript attached to (3E506C64) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCAmmoList on script SBCArcheryTargetHitScript attached to (3EE322B9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property ArrowReturnChest on script SBCArcheryTargetHitScript attached to (3EE322B9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC83C) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC83C) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRecruitVorstag attached to topic info 000BCC86 on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D8A1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D8E7) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D8FD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D8EE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D90C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D8D2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D8FA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D8A5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D906) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D8C8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D8B3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D909) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D8AC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D90B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5400F2E0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (54011225) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5401121C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (540117B0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (540117B2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (54011221) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (54011222) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (54011223) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (54011224) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (54002FA1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5401120C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5401121E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (54011220) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property pTweakStables on script tweakfollowerscript attached to TweakFollower (440012CE) cannot be bound because stables (00068D73) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property TweakCarryWeight on script tweakfollowerscript attached to TweakFollower (440012CE) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property CraftingStationLeaveActivator on script SBCCraftingStation2Script attached to (3E41CBA0) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E41CB9C) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCChestKitchenBeverages on script SBCCraftingStation2Script attached to (3E41CBA0) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E3EF47B) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property PlayerRef on script SBCStableGateScript attached to (3E8F1157) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC815) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC815) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property NecroLichRitualQuest on script NecroBlackBookScript attached to (3222523E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property kScript on script CYR_QF_CYRDialogueBrumaArmion_0306505D attached to CYRDialogueBrumaArmionHarassNeremusIntroScene (0A06505D) cannot be bound because CYRDialogueBrumaCathedralMassScene (0A06507B) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E0952CE) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E0952CE) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D8C6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property TeleportSpellOut on script SBCTeleportationAutoDoorScript attached to (3E506C66) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property TeleportSpellOut on script SBCTeleportationAutoDoorScript attached to (3E506C68) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property TeleportSpellOut on script SBCTeleportationAutoDoorScript attached to (3E506C67) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property TeleportSpellOut on script SBCTeleportationAutoDoorScript attached to (3E506C6C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property TeleportSpellOut on script SBCTeleportationAutoDoorScript attached to (3E506C6B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC812) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC812) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property flPlanterPlantedFlora on script byohplantercontainerscript attached to (3E543375) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E4CC279) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property flPlanterPlantableItem on script byohplantercontainerscript attached to (3E543375) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E4CC27A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property Model on script SBCGuardModelScript attached to (3E0AE917) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E0EBC5A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property flPlanterPlantableItem on script BYOHPlanterSoilScript attached to (3E57B4C5) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E4CC27A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property Guard2 on script SBCGuardModelScript attached to (3EFF20D0) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E177C76) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property ASC on script SBCAutoSortChestScript attached to (3E41CC84) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E41CC6D) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC81B) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC81B) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property WordWD03 on script QF_MQ305_00046EF2 attached to MQ305 (00046EF2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property WordWD01 on script QF_MQ305_00046EF2 attached to MQ305 (00046EF2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property WordWD02 on script QF_MQ305_00046EF2 attached to MQ305 (00046EF2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC818) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC818) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property TweakOriginalEssentialFaction on script TweakFixBoethiah attached to (00083041) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property VendorItemStaff on script SBCVoidStorageDynamicAutoSort attached to (3E3B787C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property HorseSkeletalMarker on script SBCBeastmasterPurchaseMenuScript attached to (3E66C8DC) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E66C6A3) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property Defender9 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWMinorSiege (240485A2) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (63) on <nullptr quest> (240485A2) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property Attacker9 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWMinorSiege (240485A2) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (53) on <nullptr quest> (240485A2) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property Defender5 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWMinorSiege (240485A2) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (59) on <nullptr quest> (240485A2) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property Defender3 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWMinorSiege (240485A2) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (57) on <nullptr quest> (240485A2) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property Defender4 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWMinorSiege (240485A2) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (58) on <nullptr quest> (240485A2) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property Defender10 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWMinorSiege (240485A2) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (64) on <nullptr quest> (240485A2) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property Defender7 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWMinorSiege (240485A2) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (61) on <nullptr quest> (240485A2) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC81E) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC81E) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC80A) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC80A) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRecruitErikTheSlayer attached to topic info 000653F1 on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC80B) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC80B) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E09017A) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E09017A) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9E9A82) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9E9A82) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property ModName on script rainrepelmcmscript attached to _de_RainRepelQuest (800063A5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D8DA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9E9A7D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9E9A7D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property CYRFortPalePassMS01LegateLetterOfPermission on script CYR_QF_CYRFortPalePassMS01New_020CE0F1 attached to CYRFortPalePassMS01New (0A0CE0F1) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (0A08ACC2) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property Guard2 on script SBCGuardModelScript attached to (3EFF20D3) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E177C75) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D8D0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (540117B4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property Guard1 on script SBCGuardModelScript attached to (3EFF20CF) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E177C77) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property Guard3 on script SBCGuardModelScript attached to (3EFF20CF) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E42CA2F) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC807) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC807) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E090176) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E090176) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D8D6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property PlayerRef on script SBCStableGateScript attached to (3E8F1154) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (540117B3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC802) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC802) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (540117B1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E42CA4B) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:39:58AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E42CA4B) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:17AM] VM is freezing...[06/10/2018 - 02:40:17AM] VM is frozen[06/10/2018 - 02:40:17AM] Reverting game...[06/10/2018 - 02:40:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script defaultOnHitActivateLinkedRef to (6C02DBCF) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script defaultOnHitActivateLinkedRef to (6C02DBCE) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script defaultOnHitActivateLinkedRef to (6C02DBD1) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script defaultOnHitActivateLinkedRef to (6C02DBD0) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script GWIvarsteadQuestScript to _GWIvarsteadAgents (240FFB32) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script SBCAutoSortChestMasterScript to (3E55CBC9) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script traptriggerbase to TweakTraps (4400C515) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script TrapBear to TweakTraps (4400C515) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script defaultOnHitActivateLinkedRef to (6C02D3C1) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script defaultOnHitActivateLinkedRef to (6C02D3C0) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script QF_ajk_TeachShout_02000D61 to ajk_TeachShout (8A000D61) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script QF_GWWE13_02102D85 to _GWWE13 (24102D85) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Pose_02017788 to (44017788) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script SBCAutoSortNoActiScript to (3E25E5C9) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script CWACleanupScript to CWACleanupQuest (2F00BC4E) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script QF_CWACleanupQuest_0200BC4E to CWACleanupQuest (2F00BC4E) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script defaultOnHitActivateLinkedRef to (6C02E826) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script defaultOnHitActivateLinkedRef to (6C02E825) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script defaultOnHitActivateLinkedRef to (6C02E828) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script NPCO_MyConfigMenu to NPCO_MyConfigMenu (C99C39F2) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script QF_AAAPracticeAddAlteration0_06385F5F to AAAPracticeAddAlteration00ToVendor (4B385F5F) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script MyModInstallScript to AAAPracticeAddAlteration00ToVendor (4B385F5F) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script TPOS_DOOR_01 to (0E78029F) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script defaultOnHitActivateLinkedRef to (6C02D3BF) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script defaultOnHitActivateLinkedRef to (6C02E827) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script SF_TweakP1Hangout_02017201 to (44017201) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script SBCAutoSortNoActiScript to (3E0A54EA) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script SBCAutoSortNoActiScript to (3E0A54E9) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script SBCAddGuardScript to (3E8DCC9D) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script SBCFlyScript to (3E2F6C27) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:18AM] Error: Unable to bind script SBCAutoSortChestMasterScript to (3E3DAFD2) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Loading game...[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Unable to bind script INISettingsCtrlPlayerAliasScript to alias Player on quest CustomINISettingsControllerQuest (263CC095) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Unable to bind script AnvilDencheckjusticar to alias Justicar on quest AnvilDenQuest (8201ED3C) because their base types do not match[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property LinkCustom01 on script GWFortPrisonerScript attached to alias FortPrisonerDominion02 on quest _GWFortPrisonerRescueSungard (240CFC59) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3EF08349) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3EF08349) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property InteriorIMODList on script INISettingsCtrlQuestScript attached to CustomINISettingsControllerQuest (263CC095) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property ExteriorIMODList on script INISettingsCtrlQuestScript attached to CustomINISettingsControllerQuest (263CC095) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property aaaunlockquestDUPLICATE003 on script aaaPlayerUnlockCasting attached to alias Player on quest aaaunlockquest (B0047EDA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property aaaunlockquest on script aaaPlayerUnlockCasting attached to alias Player on quest aaaunlockquest (B0047EDA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property aaaunlockquestDUPLICATE001 on script aaaPlayerUnlockCasting attached to alias Player on quest aaaunlockquest (B0047EDA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property aaaunlockquestDUPLICATE004 on script aaaPlayerUnlockCasting attached to alias Player on quest aaaunlockquest (B0047EDA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property Detect on script aaaPlayerUnlockCasting attached to alias Player on quest aaaunlockquest (B0047EDA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property aaaunlockquestDUPLICATE002 on script aaaPlayerUnlockCasting attached to alias Player on quest aaaunlockquest (B0047EDA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property ArmorHelmet on script SBCHoATransformation attached to (3ED06B15) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MQ105 on script SBCHoATransformation attached to (3ED06B15) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRehireMarcurio attached to topic info 00104F1D on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6BE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6BE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5400F2DE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6BC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6BC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property prisonerclothes on script PE_prisonerinit attached to (D7003A2A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRehireErik attached to topic info 00104F1E on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3EF08346) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3EF08346) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property Delete on script _PoisonAddVincenteToPLayerFaction attached to (760DE49C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property CWOwner on script QF_MS11Kicker_000BAC24 attached to MS11Kicker (000BAC24) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property WindhelmLocation on script QF_MS11Kicker_000BAC24 attached to MS11Kicker (000BAC24) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5401120F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3EF08343) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3EF08343) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6B8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6B8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E42CA3F) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E42CA3F) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5401121C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5401121D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6AE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6AE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E9DA6AD) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E9DA6AD) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5401121E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5401121F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9E9A3E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9E9A3E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9E9A3D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9E9A3D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6AA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6AA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6AB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6AB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property flPlanterPlantableItem on script BYOHPlanterSoilScript attached to (3E57B4C5) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E4CC27A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC844) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC844) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property myHoldLocation on script WECrimeFactionAliasScript attached to alias Thalmor3 on quest _GWWERoad03 (2409F047) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (4) on <nullptr quest> (2409F042) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E318EC4) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E318EC4) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property LinkCustom01 on script GWFortPrisonerScript attached to alias FortPrisonerSkyrim01 on quest _GWFortPrisonerRescueSungard (240CFC59) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6A7) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6A7) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E50BDE6) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E50BDE6) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property myHoldLocation on script WECrimeFactionAliasScript attached to alias Thalmor3 on quest _GWWERoad02 (2409F043) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (4) on <nullptr quest> (2409F042) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property myBook on script DLC2ApocryphaBookMarkerTriggerScript attached to (32225243) cannot be bound because (32125087) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRecruitMarcurio attached to topic info 000BDB4D on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E2AA793) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E2AA793) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E2AA792) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E2AA792) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property CidhnaMineLocation on script SBCMineOreWithReset attached to (3E116742) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property AchievementsQuest on script SBCMineOreWithReset attached to (3E116742) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property DepletedMessage on script SBCMineOreWithReset attached to (3E116742) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property DrScOreOpen on script SBCMineOreWithReset attached to (3E116742) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property CidhnaMinePlayerBedREF on script SBCMineOreWithReset attached to (3E116742) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property FailureMessage on script SBCMineOreWithReset attached to (3E116742) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property DialogueCidhnaMine on script SBCMineOreWithReset attached to (3E116742) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MS02 on script SBCMineOreWithReset attached to (3E116742) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property WordWD03 on script QF_MQ305_00046EF2 attached to MQ305 (00046EF2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property WordWD01 on script QF_MQ305_00046EF2 attached to MQ305 (00046EF2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property WordWD02 on script QF_MQ305_00046EF2 attached to MQ305 (00046EF2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property myHoldLocation on script WECrimeFactionAliasScript attached to alias Thalmor2 on quest _GWWERoad03 (2409F047) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (4) on <nullptr quest> (2409F042) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRehireStenvar attached to topic info 00104F20 on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRehireVorstag attached to topic info 00104F21 on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property CYRFortPalePassMS01LegateLetterOfPermission on script CYR_QF_CYRFortPalePassMS01New_020CE0F1 attached to CYRFortPalePassMS01New (0A0CE0F1) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (0A08ACC2) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property myHoldLocation on script WECrimeFactionAliasScript attached to alias Thalmor2 on quest _GWWERoad02 (2409F043) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (4) on <nullptr quest> (2409F042) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E249D15) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E249D15) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property flPlanterPlantedFlora on script byohplantercontainerscript attached to (3E543375) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E4CC279) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property flPlanterPlantableItem on script byohplantercontainerscript attached to (3E543375) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E4CC27A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E249CF9) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E249CF9) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E249D03) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E249D03) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (54011220) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRecruitStenvar attached to topic info 000BDFB1 on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property corpse on script hangedManScript attached to (2F00446B) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (2F004472) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E249CFB) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E249CFB) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (54011224) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property HorseSkeletalMarker on script SBCBeastmasterPurchaseMenuScript attached to (3E66C8DC) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E66C6A3) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRecruitJenassa attached to topic info 0001A1CD on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRecruitBelrand attached to topic info 0001A1CF on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E9D558A) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E9D558B) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E9D558B) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCAmmoList on script SBCArcheryTargetHitScript attached to (3EC78469) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property ArrowReturnChest on script SBCArcheryTargetHitScript attached to (3EC78469) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property myHoldLocation on script WECrimeFactionAliasScript attached to alias Thalmor1 on quest _GWWERoad02 (2409F043) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (4) on <nullptr quest> (2409F042) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCAmmoList on script SBCArcheryTargetHitScript attached to (3EC78463) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property ArrowReturnChest on script SBCArcheryTargetHitScript attached to (3EC78463) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E431BAC) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E431BAC) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCAmmoList on script SBCArcheryTargetHitScript attached to (3EC78464) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property ArrowReturnChest on script SBCArcheryTargetHitScript attached to (3EC78464) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E9D5586) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E9D5586) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E9D5587) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E9D5587) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property myHoldLocation on script WECrimeFactionAliasScript attached to alias Thalmor1 on quest _GWWERoad03 (2409F047) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (4) on <nullptr quest> (2409F042) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E42CA4B) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E42CA4B) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D906) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property ASC on script SBCAutoSortChestScript attached to (3E51A67F) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E41CCA2) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC82C) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC82C) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property ASC on script SBCAutoSortChestScript attached to (3E51A681) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E41CCA2) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D8FA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D90B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E42CA45) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E42CA45) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D909) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D90C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E2911D9) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E2911D9) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E42CA42) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E42CA42) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property toSkyrimMapMarker on script CYR_QF_CYRSkyrimBorderGateTop_020D3F2C attached to CYRSkyrimBorderGateTopLevelQuest (0A0D3F2C) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (0A0D79CE) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property TeleportSpellOut on script SBCTeleportationAutoDoorScript attached to (3E506C69) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property TeleportSpellOut on script SBCTeleportationAutoDoorScript attached to (3E506C68) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property PlayerRef on script SBCStableGateScript attached to (3E8F1157) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property Forge on script AtrFrgSigilStoneScript attached to (3E8C374A) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E8C3745) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D918) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property TeleportSpellOut on script SBCTeleportationAutoDoorScript attached to (3E506C6A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property aaaunlockquestDUPLICATE003 on script aaaPlayerUnlockCasting attached to alias Player on quest aaaunlockquestDUPLICATE001 (B004843F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property aaaunlockquest on script aaaPlayerUnlockCasting attached to alias Player on quest aaaunlockquestDUPLICATE001 (B004843F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property aaaunlockquestDUPLICATE001 on script aaaPlayerUnlockCasting attached to alias Player on quest aaaunlockquestDUPLICATE001 (B004843F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property aaaunlockquestDUPLICATE004 on script aaaPlayerUnlockCasting attached to alias Player on quest aaaunlockquestDUPLICATE001 (B004843F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property aaaunlockquestDUPLICATE002 on script aaaPlayerUnlockCasting attached to alias Player on quest aaaunlockquestDUPLICATE001 (B004843F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property TeleportSpellOut on script SBCTeleportationAutoDoorScript attached to (3E506C6E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property TeleportSpellOut on script SBCTeleportationAutoDoorScript attached to (3E506C6F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC832) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC832) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property TeleportSpellOut on script SBCTeleportationAutoDoorScript attached to (3E506C66) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property TeleportSpellOut on script SBCTeleportationAutoDoorScript attached to (3E506C64) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC802) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC802) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D8E7) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCChestKitchenBeverages on script SBCCraftingStationLeaveScript attached to (3E41CB9F) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E3EF47B) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property LinkCustom01 on script GWFortPrisonerScript attached to alias FortPrisonerDominion03 on quest _GWFortPrisonerRescueSungard (240CFC59) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property FusItem on script RotmulaagLetterScript attached to alias Letter on quest RotmulaagMeditationsQuest (6B0F4962) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMMenu on script _teleportomnisaveloc attached to _teleportOmnipresenceSaveLocQuest (54014D8C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC80B) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC80B) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property TeleportSpellOut on script SBCTeleportationAutoDoorScript attached to (3E506C6D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRecruitErikTheSlayer attached to topic info 000653F1 on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D8EE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC835) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC835) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property TrophaeumMarker on script SBCStewardPurchaseMenuScript attached to (3E53466A) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3EB24547) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC807) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC807) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property TeleportSpellOut on script SBCTeleportationAutoDoorScript attached to (3E506C6C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property ASC on script SBCAutoSortChestScript attached to (3E41D428) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E41CCA2) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (54002F9F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property TeleportSpellOut on script SBCTeleportationAutoDoorScript attached to (3E506C65) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC82F) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC82F) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6C5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6C5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6AC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6AC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6AF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6AF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E249CFF) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E249CFF) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC821) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC821) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC827) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC827) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC815) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC815) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC836) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC836) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC81B) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC81B) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6A8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6A8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E249D05) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E249D05) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCAmmoList on script SBCArcheryTargetHitScript attached to (3E06D320) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property ArrowReturnChest on script SBCArcheryTargetHitScript attached to (3E06D320) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCAmmoList on script SBCArcheryTargetHitScript attached to (3EE322B9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property ArrowReturnChest on script SBCArcheryTargetHitScript attached to (3EE322B9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property ChestLight on script SBCPrimalAllignment attached to (3E4936B3) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E46FDBC) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5401120C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC83C) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC83C) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property pTweakStables on script tweakfollowerscript attached to TweakFollower (440012CE) cannot be bound because stables (00068D73) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property TweakCarryWeight on script tweakfollowerscript attached to TweakFollower (440012CE) cannot be initialized because the value is the incorrect type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property pTweakHirelingQuest on script TweakRecruitVorstag attached to topic info 000BCC86 on quest HirelingQuest (000BCC94) cannot be bound because HirelingQuest (000BCC94) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9E9A7D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9E9A7D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D8A5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property CraftingStationLeaveActivator on script SBCCraftingStation2Script attached to (3E41CBA0) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E41CB9C) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCChestKitchenBeverages on script SBCCraftingStation2Script attached to (3E41CBA0) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E3EF47B) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property Defender9 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (63) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property Attacker5 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (49) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property TriggerPhase2D on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (81) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property TriggerPhase4E on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (88) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property TriggerPhase3D on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (82) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property Defender6 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (60) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property TriggerPhase2C on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (76) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property TriggerPhase5B on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (74) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property Defender4 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (58) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property TriggerPhase4B on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (73) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property TriggerPhase4C on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (78) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property Attacker9 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (53) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property Defender5 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (59) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property Defender3 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (57) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property TriggerPhase2B on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (71) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property Attacker4 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (48) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property Attacker2 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (46) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property Attacker3 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (47) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property TriggerPhase2E on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (86) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property TriggerPhase3E on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (87) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property TriggerPhase4D on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (83) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property Defender2 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (56) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property Attacker6 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (50) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property TriggerPhase5C on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (79) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property TriggerPhase3B on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (72) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property Defender8 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (62) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property Defender7 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (61) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property TriggerPhase3C on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (77) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property Defender10 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWStormCapital (240A734A) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (64) on <nullptr quest> (240A734A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property NecroLichRitualQuest on script NecroBlackBookScript attached to (3222523E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9E9A82) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9E9A82) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D8B3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC841) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC841) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E0952CE) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E0952CE) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D8C6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D8FD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6A9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6A9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC824) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC824) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC812) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC812) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property Guard2 on script SBCGuardModelScript attached to (3EFF20D0) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E177C76) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property NecroBlackBookQuest on script dlc2bookdungeoncontrollerscript attached to DLC2BookDungeonController (04016E21) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property ScourgBarrow on script dlc2bookdungeoncontrollerscript attached to DLC2BookDungeonController (04016E21) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC80A) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC80A) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC81E) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC81E) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E2AA794) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E2AA794) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property Model on script SBCGuardModelScript attached to (3E0AE917) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E0EBC5A) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3ED200A9) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3ED200A9) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property kScript on script CYR_QF_CYRDialogueBrumaArmion_0306505D attached to CYRDialogueBrumaArmionHarassNeremusIntroScene (0A06505D) cannot be bound because CYRDialogueBrumaCathedralMassScene (0A06507B) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property ASC on script SBCAutoSortChestScript attached to (3E41CC84) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E41CC6D) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property TweakOriginalEssentialFaction on script TweakFixBoethiah attached to (00083041) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC818) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E4DC818) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property Guard2 on script SBCGuardModelScript attached to (3EFF20D3) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E177C75) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property VendorItemStaff on script SBCVoidStorageDynamicAutoSort attached to (3E3B787C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property LinkCustom01 on script GWFortPrisonerScript attached to alias FortPrisonerSkyrim02 on quest _GWFortPrisonerRescueSungard (240CFC59) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property ModName on script rainrepelmcmscript attached to _de_RainRepelQuest (800063A5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D8C8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property Defender9 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWMinorSiege (240485A2) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (63) on <nullptr quest> (240485A2) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property Attacker9 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWMinorSiege (240485A2) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (53) on <nullptr quest> (240485A2) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property Defender5 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWMinorSiege (240485A2) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (59) on <nullptr quest> (240485A2) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property Defender3 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWMinorSiege (240485A2) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (57) on <nullptr quest> (240485A2) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property Defender4 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWMinorSiege (240485A2) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (58) on <nullptr quest> (240485A2) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property Defender10 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWMinorSiege (240485A2) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (64) on <nullptr quest> (240485A2) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property Defender7 on script gwfortsiegescript attached to _GWMinorSiege (240485A2) cannot be bound because <nullptr alias> (61) on <nullptr quest> (240485A2) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property LinkCustom01 on script GWFortPrisonerScript attached to alias FortPrisonerSkyrim03 on quest _GWFortPrisonerRescueSungard (240CFC59) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E09017A) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E09017A) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (54011223) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5400F2E0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D8A1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D8AC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (540117B2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5400F2DF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (54011221) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (54011222) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property kwSoupCrafting on script _ds_hb_player attached to alias Player on quest _DS_Hunterborn (4D003367) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCChestKitchenBeverages on script SBCCraftingStationLeaveScript attached to (3E41CB9D) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E3EF47B) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D8DA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (54011225) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D8D0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (540117B4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property LinkCustom01 on script GWFortPrisonerScript attached to alias FortPrisonerDominion01 on quest _GWFortPrisonerRescueSungard (240CFC59) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property Guard1 on script SBCGuardModelScript attached to (3EFF20CF) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E177C77) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property Guard3 on script SBCGuardModelScript attached to (3EFF20CF) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E42CA2F) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6C3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property SBCOptionsDraperyColorMenu on script SBCSwitchOnOffWithMenu attached to (3E9DA6C3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property chest on script SBCDeityFavor attached to (3E2EAF62) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E4F195B) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (54002FA1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property TeleportSpellOut on script SBCTeleportationAutoDoorScript attached to (3E506C67) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E090176) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E090176) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageDeactivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E249D19) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C6) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] Error: Property SBCSwitchMessageActivated on script SBCSwitchOnOff attached to (3E249D19) cannot be bound because <nullptr form> (3E2306C5) is not the right type[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D8D2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (5405D8D6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:20AM] warning: Property TeleportSpellOut on script SBCTeleportationAutoDoorScript attached to (3E506C6B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Property PlayerRef on script SBCStableGateScript attached to (3E8F1154) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (540117B3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (540117B0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Property MCMQuest on script _teleportOmniMapMarker attached to (540117B1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Cannot open store for class "backshieldfollowerscript", missing file?[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Unable to get type backshieldfollowerscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Cannot open store for class "BackshieldNoteScript", missing file?[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Unable to get type BackshieldNoteScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Cannot open store for class "backshieldaddonscript", missing file?[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Unable to get type backshieldaddonscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Cannot open store for class "JVBEagleSript", missing file?[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Unable to get type JVBEagleSript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Cannot open store for class "backshieldcustomshields", missing file?[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Unable to get type backshieldcustomshields referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Cannot open store for class "BackshieldEffectScript", missing file?[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Unable to get type BackshieldEffectScript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Cannot open store for class "backshieldquestscript", missing file?[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Unable to get type backshieldquestscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Could not find type backshieldfollowerscript in the type table in save[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Could not find type backshieldfollowerscript in the type table in save[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Could not find type backshieldfollowerscript in the type table in save[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Could not find type backshieldquestscript in the type table in save[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Could not find type backshieldcustomshields in the type table in save[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Could not find type backshieldaddonscript in the type table in save[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Could not find type backshieldfollowerscript in the type table in save[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Could not find type backshieldfollowerscript in the type table in save[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Could not find type backshieldfollowerscript in the type table in save[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Could not find type backshieldfollowerscript in the type table in save[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Could not find type BackshieldEffectScript in the type table in save[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Could not find type BackshieldNoteScript in the type table in save[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Could not find type JVBEagleSript in the type table in save[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Could not find type backshieldfollowerscript in the type table in save[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Could not find type backshieldfollowerscript in the type table in save[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Could not find type backshieldfollowerscript in the type table in save[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] VM is thawing...[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] =====Wet and Cold is refreshing itself and searching for addons. Any errors below are harmless.=====[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [Wearable Lanterns]=============================================================================================[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Error: File "SkyUI.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[MDRMainQuest (07000D62)].mdrmainquestmaintenancescript.VerifySkyUI() - "MDRMainQuestMaintenanceScript.psc" Line 159[MDRMainQuest (07000D62)].mdrmainquestmaintenancescript.Verification() - "MDRMainQuestMaintenanceScript.psc" Line 117[alias Player on quest MDRMainQuest (07000D62)].mdrmainquestplayerscript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "MDRMainQuestPlayerScript.psc" Line 24[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [Wearable Lanterns] Wearable Lanterns is now performing compatibility checks. [06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [Wearable Lanterns] Errors related to missing files may follow. These are NORMAL and should be ignored. [06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [Wearable Lanterns]=============================================================================================[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Error: Cannot call OnGameReload() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[alias Player on quest _de_RainRepelQuest (800063A5)].SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias.psc" Line 6[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [Wearable Lanterns] Detected SKSE version 2.000700 (expected 1.070300 or newer, success!)[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Error: File "SkyUI.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[MDRMainQuest (07000D62)].mdrmainquestmaintenancescript.VerifySkyUI() - "MDRMainQuestMaintenanceScript.psc" Line 159[MDRMainQuest (07000D62)].mdrmainquestmaintenancescript.Verification() - "MDRMainQuestMaintenanceScript.psc" Line 117[alias Player on quest MDRMainQuest (07000D62)].mdrmainquestplayerscript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "MDRMainQuestPlayerScript.psc" Line 24[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Error: File "SkyUI.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[MDRMainQuest (07000D62)].mdrmainquestmaintenancescript.VerifySkyUI() - "MDRMainQuestMaintenanceScript.psc" Line 159[MDRMainQuest (07000D62)].mdrmainquestmaintenancescript.Verification() - "MDRMainQuestMaintenanceScript.psc" Line 117[alias Player on quest MDRMainQuest (07000D62)].mdrmainquestplayerscript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "MDRMainQuestPlayerScript.psc" Line 24[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Error: File "SkyUI.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[MDRMainQuest (07000D62)].mdrmainquestmaintenancescript.VerifySkyUI() - "MDRMainQuestMaintenanceScript.psc" Line 159[MDRMainQuest (07000D62)].mdrmainquestmaintenancescript.Verification() - "MDRMainQuestMaintenanceScript.psc" Line 117[alias Player on quest MDRMainQuest (07000D62)].mdrmainquestplayerscript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "MDRMainQuestPlayerScript.psc" Line 24[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [** SKYBIRDS v1.000000 IS LOADING **][06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [skyBirds]Checking if "Simply Bigger Trees" is loaded...[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Error: File "SimplyBiggerTreesSE.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[_APBQuest (3900AA5E)]._APBQuest.SKSE_Init() - "_APBQuest.psc" Line 147[alias myPlayer on quest _APBQuest (3900AA5E)]._APBmyPlayerAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_APBmyPlayerAliasScript.psc" Line 18[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [skyBirds]"Simply Bigger Trees" was not detected. Please ignore the above errors that were produced.[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [skyBirds]Checking if "Birds of Skyrim" is loaded...[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [skyBirds]"Birds of Skyrim" was detected.[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Error: File "Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 30[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Error: File "Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 34[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Error: File "Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 38[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Error: File "Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 42[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Error: File "Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[uSLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.ProcessRetroScripts() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 46[alias Player on quest USLEEPVersionTracking (0500F458)].USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "USLEEP_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] error: Unbound native function "IntListResize" called[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Error: INI setting "iMaxDesired:Particles" is not a floatstack:<unknown self>.utility.SetINIFloat() - "<native>" Line ?[VividWeatherConfig (2607EEDB)].vividweatherdata.VWini() - "VividWeatherData.psc" Line 77[alias Player on quest VividWeatherConfig (2607EEDB)].VividWeatherPlayerAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "VividWeatherPlayerAliasScript.psc" Line 43[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] =======================================[ VioLens - A Killmove Mod: Start ]========================================[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] VioLens is now performing a compatibility check. Papyrus warnings about missing or [06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] unloaded files may follow. This is normal and should be ignored. [06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] =======================================[ VioLens - A Killmove Mod: Start ]========================================[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp6"stack:[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_CompatibilityQuest (68010162)]._wl_compatibility.CheckJSONReadWrite() - "_WL_Compatibility.psc" Line 149[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_CompatibilityQuest (68010162)]._wl_compatibility.CompatibilityCheck() - "_WL_Compatibility.psc" Line 70[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_CompatibilityQuest (68010162)]._wl_compatibility.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WL_Compatibility.psc" Line 54[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Error: File "Wyrmstooth.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[_WetQuest (91000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 544[alias Player on quest _WetQuest (91000D63)]._wetplayeralias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 6[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Cannot open store for class "JContainers", missing file?[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Error: Unable to obtain function call information - returning Nonestack:[alias Player on quest VL_Player (78023F14)].VL_Player.VLLoadGame() - "VL_Player.psc" Line 41[alias Player on quest VL_Player (78023F14)].VL_Player.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "VL_Player.psc" Line 25[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp1"stack:[alias Player on quest VL_Player (78023F14)].VL_Player.VLLoadGame() - "VL_Player.psc" Line 41[alias Player on quest VL_Player (78023F14)].VL_Player.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "VL_Player.psc" Line 25[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] ===========================================[ VioLens - A Killmove Mod ]===========================================[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] JContainers Not Installed. [06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] ===========================================[ VioLens - A Killmove Mod ]===========================================[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Error: File "CombatDramaOverhaul.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[alias Player on quest VL_Player (78023F14)].VL_Player.VLLoadGame() - "VL_Player.psc" Line 59[alias Player on quest VL_Player (78023F14)].VL_Player.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "VL_Player.psc" Line 25[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] ===========================================[ VioLens - A Killmove Mod ]===========================================[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Error: File "Chesko_Frostfall.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[_WetQuest (91000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 552[alias Player on quest _WetQuest (91000D63)]._wetplayeralias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 6[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Combat Drama Overhaul Not Installed. [06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] ===========================================[ VioLens - A Killmove Mod ]===========================================[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Error: File "iNeed.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[_WetQuest (91000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 569[alias Player on quest _WetQuest (91000D63)]._wetplayeralias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 6[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Error: File "getSnowy.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[_WetQuest (91000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 574[alias Player on quest _WetQuest (91000D63)]._wetplayeralias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 6[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Error: File "EFFCore.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[_WetQuest (91000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 598[alias Player on quest _WetQuest (91000D63)]._wetplayeralias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 6[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] error: Unbound native function "IntListSet" called[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp6"stack:[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_CompatibilityQuest (68010162)]._wl_compatibility.CheckJSONReadWrite() - "_WL_Compatibility.psc" Line 150[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_CompatibilityQuest (68010162)]._wl_compatibility.CompatibilityCheck() - "_WL_Compatibility.psc" Line 70[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_CompatibilityQuest (68010162)]._wl_compatibility.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WL_Compatibility.psc" Line 54[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] error: Unbound native function "IntListSet" called[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Error: Cannot call ChangeCarryState() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[ (0E784A2B)].PF_TPOS_CARRYDROP_38_04DFACA2.Fragment_0() - "pf_tpos_carrydrop_38_04dfaca2.psc" Line 20[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [skyBirds][_APBQuest] The current number of woodpecker references is 0[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [immersive Citizens] Immersive Citizens is now performing compatibility checks. Papyrus warnings about missing or [06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [immersive Citizens] unloaded files may follow. This is NORMAL and can be ignored. [06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp6"stack:[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_CompatibilityQuest (68010162)]._wl_compatibility.CheckJSONReadWrite() - "_WL_Compatibility.psc" Line 151[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_CompatibilityQuest (68010162)]._wl_compatibility.CompatibilityCheck() - "_WL_Compatibility.psc" Line 70[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_CompatibilityQuest (68010162)]._wl_compatibility.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WL_Compatibility.psc" Line 54[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Error: File "SkyUI.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[None].RND_MaintenanceScript.OnEffectStart() - "RND_MaintenanceScript.psc" Line 24[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] RND: SkyUI3 not found...[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Error: File "ClimatesOfTamriel.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[alias Player on quest NPCO_Update (C9F10B52)].npco_update.IsPluginLoaded() - "NPCO_Update.psc" Line 155[alias Player on quest NPCO_Update (C9F10B52)].npco_update.Compatibility() - "NPCO_Update.psc" Line 140[alias Player on quest NPCO_Update (C9F10B52)].npco_update.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "NPCO_Update.psc" Line 102[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [immersive Citizens] Immersive Citizens compatibility check complete. [06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] error: Unbound native function "IntListSet" called[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] APOC 7 DEBUG: Populating leveled lists... Scrolls...[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp6"stack:[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_CompatibilityQuest (68010162)]._wl_compatibility.CheckJSONReadWrite() - "_WL_Compatibility.psc" Line 152[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_CompatibilityQuest (68010162)]._wl_compatibility.CompatibilityCheck() - "_WL_Compatibility.psc" Line 70[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_CompatibilityQuest (68010162)]._wl_compatibility.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WL_Compatibility.psc" Line 54[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] error: Unbound native function "IntListSet" called[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp6"stack:[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_CompatibilityQuest (68010162)]._wl_compatibility.CheckJSONReadWrite() - "_WL_Compatibility.psc" Line 153[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_CompatibilityQuest (68010162)]._wl_compatibility.CompatibilityCheck() - "_WL_Compatibility.psc" Line 70[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_CompatibilityQuest (68010162)]._wl_compatibility.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WL_Compatibility.psc" Line 54[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] error: Unbound native function "IntListSet" called[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [bOS] Checking if "Rigmor of Bruma" is loaded...[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp6"stack:[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_CompatibilityQuest (68010162)]._wl_compatibility.CheckJSONReadWrite() - "_WL_Compatibility.psc" Line 154[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_CompatibilityQuest (68010162)]._wl_compatibility.CompatibilityCheck() - "_WL_Compatibility.psc" Line 70[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_CompatibilityQuest (68010162)]._wl_compatibility.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WL_Compatibility.psc" Line 54[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Error: File "Rigmor.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[_BOS_Init (3A01CC48)]._bos_initfactionsscripta.onBeginState() - "_BOS_InitFactionsScriptA.psc" Line 42[_BOS_Init (3A01CC48)]._bos_initfactionsscripta.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[_BOS_Init (3A01CC48)]._bos_initfactionsscripta.OnUpdate() - "_BOS_InitFactionsScriptA.psc" Line 27[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [bOS] "Rigmor of Bruma" was not detected. Please ignore the above errors.[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [bOS] Checking if "Immersive Citizens" is loaded...[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [bOS] "Immersive Citizens" was detected.[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [bOS] Checking if "Immersive Patrols" is loaded...[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [bOS] "Immersive Patrols" was detected.[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [bOS] Checking if "SkyTEST" is loaded...[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Error: File "SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[_BOS_Init (3A01CC48)]._bos_initfactionsscripta.onBeginState() - "_BOS_InitFactionsScriptA.psc" Line 63[_BOS_Init (3A01CC48)]._bos_initfactionsscripta.GotoState() - "Form.psc" Line ?[_BOS_Init (3A01CC48)]._bos_initfactionsscripta.OnUpdate() - "_BOS_InitFactionsScriptA.psc" Line 27[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [bOS] "SkyTEST" was not detected. Please ignore the above errors.[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] [bOS] Loading Immersive Citizens factions.[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] error: Unbound native function "IntListSet" called[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] Rain Repel check: skse is installed[06/10/2018 - 02:40:21AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp6"stack:[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_CompatibilityQuest (68010162)]._wl_compatibility.CheckJSONReadWrite() - "_WL_Compatibility.psc" Line 155[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_CompatibilityQuest (68010162)]._wl_compatibility.CompatibilityCheck() - "_WL_Compatibility.psc" Line 70[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_CompatibilityQuest (68010162)]._wl_compatibility.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WL_Compatibility.psc" Line 54[06/10/2018 - 02:40:22AM] error: Unbound native function "IntListSet" called[06/10/2018 - 02:40:22AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp6"stack:[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_CompatibilityQuest (68010162)]._wl_compatibility.CheckJSONReadWrite() - "_WL_Compatibility.psc" Line 156[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_CompatibilityQuest (68010162)]._wl_compatibility.CompatibilityCheck() - "_WL_Compatibility.psc" Line 70[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_CompatibilityQuest (68010162)]._wl_compatibility.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WL_Compatibility.psc" Line 54[06/10/2018 - 02:40:22AM] error: Unbound native function "Save" called[06/10/2018 - 02:40:22AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp7"stack:[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_CompatibilityQuest (68010162)]._wl_compatibility.CheckJSONReadWrite() - "_WL_Compatibility.psc" Line 159[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_CompatibilityQuest (68010162)]._wl_compatibility.CompatibilityCheck() - "_WL_Compatibility.psc" Line 70[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_CompatibilityQuest (68010162)]._wl_compatibility.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WL_Compatibility.psc" Line 54[06/10/2018 - 02:40:22AM] [Frostfall][ERROR] Could not save test JSON file. Check that you have folder read/write permissions to Skyrim/Data/SKSE/FrostfallData (or, for Mod Organizer users, Mod Organizer/overwrite/SKSE/FrostfallData).[06/10/2018 - 02:40:22AM] ========================================[ VioLens - A Killmove Mod: End ]=========================================[06/10/2018 - 02:40:22AM] [06/10/2018 - 02:40:22AM] VioLens compatibility check complete. [06/10/2018 - 02:40:22AM] [06/10/2018 - 02:40:22AM] ========================================[ VioLens - A Killmove Mod: End ]=========================================[06/10/2018 - 02:40:22AM] ==== LAL: Mod support check - Ignore errors about missing files. ====[06/10/2018 - 02:40:22AM] Error: File "Chesko_Frostfall.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[ARTHLALVersionTracking (C8049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.DLCSupportCheck() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 59[alias Player on quest ARTHLALVersionTracking (C8049F33)].ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6[06/10/2018 - 02:40:22AM] LAL: Frostfall 3.x detected.[06/10/2018 - 02:40:22AM] Error: File "teg_returntohelgen.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[ARTHLALVersionTracking (C8049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.DLCSupportCheck() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 84[alias Player on quest ARTHLALVersionTracking (C8049F33)].ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6[06/10/2018 - 02:40:22AM] Error: File "Keld-Nar.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[ARTHLALVersionTracking (C8049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.DLCSupportCheck() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 92[alias Player on quest ARTHLALVersionTracking (C8049F33)].ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6[06/10/2018 - 02:40:22AM] Error: File "ShezriesOldHroldan.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[ARTHLALVersionTracking (C8049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.DLCSupportCheck() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 101[alias Player on quest ARTHLALVersionTracking (C8049F33)].ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6[06/10/2018 - 02:40:22AM] Error: File "ShezrieOldHroldanVer2.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[ARTHLALVersionTracking (C8049F33)].arth_lal_versiontrackingscript.DLCSupportCheck() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingScript.psc" Line 101[alias Player on quest ARTHLALVersionTracking (C8049F33)].ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "ARTH_LAL_VersionTrackingAliasScript.psc" Line 6[06/10/2018 - 02:40:22AM] ==== LAL: Mod support check - Done. ====[06/10/2018 - 02:40:22AM] [Campfire]======================================================================================================[06/10/2018 - 02:40:22AM] [Campfire] Campfire is now performing compatibility checks. Papyrus warnings about missing or [06/10/2018 - 02:40:22AM] [Campfire] unloaded files may follow. This is NORMAL and can be ignored. [06/10/2018 - 02:40:22AM] [Campfire]======================================================================================================[06/10/2018 - 02:40:22AM] [Campfire] Detected SKSE version 2.000700 (expected 1.070300 or newer, success!)[06/10/2018 - 02:40:22AM] [Campfire] Loaded: Dawnguard.esm[06/10/2018 - 02:40:22AM] [Campfire] Loaded: Dragonborn.esm[06/10/2018 - 02:40:22AM] [Campfire] Loaded: HearthFires.esm[06/10/2018 - 02:40:22AM] [Campfire] Loaded: RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp[06/10/2018 - 02:40:22AM] [Campfire] Loaded: Frostfall.esp[06/10/2018 - 02:40:22AM] InitWidgetLoader()[06/10/2018 - 02:40:22AM] [bOS] Loading Immersive Patrols factions.[06/10/2018 - 02:40:23AM] [Campfire]======================================================================================================[06/10/2018 - 02:40:23AM] [Campfire] Campfire compatibility check complete. [06/10/2018 - 02:40:23AM] [Campfire]======================================================================================================[06/10/2018 - 02:40:23AM] [bOS] Updating factions...[06/10/2018 - 02:40:24AM] [Wearable Lanterns] Loaded: Dawnguard.esm[06/10/2018 - 02:40:24AM] [Wearable Lanterns] Loaded: Dragonborn.esm[06/10/2018 - 02:40:24AM] [Wearable Lanterns]=============================================================================================[06/10/2018 - 02:40:24AM] [Wearable Lanterns] Compatibility check complete. [06/10/2018 - 02:40:24AM] [Wearable Lanterns]=============================================================================================[06/10/2018 - 02:40:24AM] [Vivid Weathers] : Frostfall compatibility in process. Frostfall Version: 30400.000000[06/10/2018 - 02:40:24AM] WidgetError: [_WL_OilMeter <_WL_OilMeterQuest (6801AE8A)>]: WidgetLoadFailure[06/10/2018 - 02:40:24AM] WidgetError: [_frost_meter <_Frost_WeathersenseMeterQuest (52068BEE)>]: WidgetLoadFailure[06/10/2018 - 02:40:24AM] WidgetError: [_frost_meter <_Frost_WetnessMeterQuest (5205CDFF)>]: WidgetLoadFailure[06/10/2018 - 02:40:24AM] WidgetError: [_wl_pollenmeter <_WL_PollenMeterQuest (6801B953)>]: WidgetLoadFailure[06/10/2018 - 02:40:24AM] WidgetError: [_frost_meter <_Frost_ExposureMeterQuest (5205CDFD)>]: WidgetLoadFailure[06/10/2018 - 02:40:25AM] [06/10/2018 - 02:40:25AM] =====Wet and Cold is finished refreshing itself and searching for addons!=====[06/10/2018 - 02:40:25AM] [06/10/2018 - 02:40:25AM] [Vivid Weathers] : Frostfall compatibility complete.[06/10/2018 - 02:40:31AM] APOC 7 DEBUG: Populating leveled lists... Staves...[06/10/2018 - 02:40:37AM] APOCNEW DEBUG: Populating leveled lists...Done[06/10/2018 - 02:40:46AM] SMDropLitTorch: Equipped Non Light Object[06/10/2018 - 02:40:46AM] SMDropLitTorch: Equipped Non Light Object[06/10/2018 - 02:40:46AM] SMDropLitTorch: Equipped Non Light Step 2[06/10/2018 - 02:40:46AM] SMDropLitTorch: Equipped Non Light Object[06/10/2018 - 02:40:47AM] SMDropLitTorch: Equipped Non Light Object[06/10/2018 - 02:40:53AM] SMDropLitTorch: Equipped Non Light Step 2[06/10/2018 - 02:40:53AM] [immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================[06/10/2018 - 02:40:53AM] [immersive Citizens] Immersive Citizens is now performing compatibility checks. Papyrus warnings about missing or [06/10/2018 - 02:40:53AM] [immersive Citizens] unloaded files may follow. This is NORMAL and can be ignored. [06/10/2018 - 02:40:53AM] [immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================[06/10/2018 - 02:40:53AM] Error: File "ClimatesOfTamriel.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[alias Player on quest NPCO_Update (C9F10B52)].npco_update.IsPluginLoaded() - "NPCO_Update.psc" Line 155[alias Player on quest NPCO_Update (C9F10B52)].npco_update.Compatibility() - "NPCO_Update.psc" Line 140[NPCO_Initialisation (C9A2DF2A)].NPCO_QF_NPCO_Initialisation_05A2DF2A.Fragment_2() - "NPCO_QF_NPCO_Initialisation_05A2DF2A.psc" Line 38[06/10/2018 - 02:40:53AM] [immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================[06/10/2018 - 02:40:53AM] [immersive Citizens] Immersive Citizens compatibility check complete. [06/10/2018 - 02:40:53AM] [immersive Citizens]======================================================================================================[06/10/2018 - 02:40:53AM] SMDropLitTorch: Equipped Non Light Step 2[06/10/2018 - 02:40:53AM] SMDropLitTorch: Equipped Non Light Step 2[06/10/2018 - 02:40:53AM] VM is freezing...[06/10/2018 - 02:40:53AM] VM is frozen[06/10/2018 - 02:40:53AM] Saving game...[06/10/2018 - 02:40:54AM] VM is thawing...[06/10/2018 - 02:40:54AM] Error: File "Open Cities Skyrim.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.stack:<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?[ARTHLALRumorsOfWarQuest (C807A334)].arth_lal_rumorsofwarscript.ToggleOCSGateTrigger() - "ARTH_LAL_RumorsOfWarScript.psc" Line 81[ARTHLALRumorsOfWarQuest (C807A334)].ARTH_QF_LALRumorsOfWarQuest_0207A334.Fragment_96() - "ARTH_QF_LALRumorsOfWarQuest_0207A334.psc" Line 1379[06/10/2018 - 02:40:55AM] Info: *Achievement 1 awarded - a winnar is you!*[06/10/2018 - 02:41:22AM] VM is freezing...[06/10/2018 - 02:41:22AM] VM is frozen[06/10/2018 - 02:41:22AM] Saving game...[06/10/2018 - 02:41:22AM] VM is thawing...[06/10/2018 - 02:41:23AM] Error: Cannot call Enable() on a None object, aborting function callstack:[CYRSkyrimBorderGateTopLevelQuest (0A0D3F2C)].CYR_QF_CYRSkyrimBorderGateTop_020D3F2C.Fragment_2() - "cyr_qf_cyrskyrimbordergatetop_020d3f2c.psc" Line 76[06/10/2018 - 02:41:23AM] Error: Cannot calculate distance between and object and Nonestack:[ (00000014)].Actor.getDistance() - "<native>" Line ?[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.BetterTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 129[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.TrackTheTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 88[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.OnObjectUnequipped() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 8[06/10/2018 - 02:41:24AM] Error: Cannot calculate distance between and object and Nonestack:[ (00000014)].Actor.getDistance() - "<native>" Line ?[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.BetterTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 129[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.TrackTheTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 88[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.OnObjectUnequipped() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 8[06/10/2018 - 02:41:24AM] Error: Cannot calculate distance between and object and Nonestack:[ (00000014)].Actor.getDistance() - "<native>" Line ?[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.BetterTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 129[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.TrackTheTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 88[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.OnObjectUnequipped() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 8[06/10/2018 - 02:41:24AM] Error: Cannot calculate distance between and object and Nonestack:[ (00000014)].Actor.getDistance() - "<native>" Line ?[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.BetterTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 129[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.TrackTheTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 88[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.OnObjectUnequipped() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 8[06/10/2018 - 02:41:25AM] Error: Cannot calculate distance between and object and Nonestack:[ (00000014)].Actor.getDistance() - "<native>" Line ?[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.BetterTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 129[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.TrackTheTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 88[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.OnObjectUnequipped() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 8[06/10/2018 - 02:41:25AM] Error: Cannot calculate distance between and object and Nonestack:[ (00000014)].Actor.getDistance() - "<native>" Line ?[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.BetterTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 129[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.TrackTheTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 88[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.OnObjectUnequipped() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 8[06/10/2018 - 02:41:26AM] Error: Cannot calculate distance between and object and Nonestack:[ (00000014)].Actor.getDistance() - "<native>" Line ?[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.BetterTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 129[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.TrackTheTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 88[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.OnObjectUnequipped() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 8[06/10/2018 - 02:41:26AM] Error: Cannot calculate distance between and object and Nonestack:[ (00000014)].Actor.getDistance() - "<native>" Line ?[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.BetterTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 129[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.TrackTheTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 88[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.OnObjectUnequipped() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 8[06/10/2018 - 02:41:26AM] Error: Cannot calculate distance between and object and Nonestack:[ (00000014)].Actor.getDistance() - "<native>" Line ?[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.BetterTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 129[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.TrackTheTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 88[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.OnObjectUnequipped() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 8[06/10/2018 - 02:41:26AM] Error: Cannot calculate distance between and object and Nonestack:[ (00000014)].Actor.getDistance() - "<native>" Line ?[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.BetterTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 129[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.TrackTheTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 88[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.OnObjectUnequipped() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 8[06/10/2018 - 02:41:27AM] Error: Cannot calculate distance between and object and Nonestack:[ (00000014)].Actor.getDistance() - "<native>" Line ?[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.BetterTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 129[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.TrackTheTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 88[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.OnObjectUnequipped() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 8[06/10/2018 - 02:41:27AM] ~~~~~ Footprints: Initializing ~~~~~[06/10/2018 - 02:41:27AM] ~~~~~ Footprints: Installing VC ~~~~~[06/10/2018 - 02:41:27AM] Error: Cannot calculate distance between and object and Nonestack:[ (00000014)].Actor.getDistance() - "<native>" Line ?[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.BetterTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 129[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.TrackTheTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 88[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.OnObjectUnequipped() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 8[06/10/2018 - 02:41:27AM] ~~~~~ Footprints VC: New User. Version is 1.530000 ~~~~~[06/10/2018 - 02:41:27AM] Error: Cannot calculate distance between and object and Nonestack:[ (00000014)].Actor.getDistance() - "<native>" Line ?[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.BetterTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 129[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.TrackTheTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 88[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.OnObjectUnequipped() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 8[06/10/2018 - 02:41:28AM] Error: Cannot calculate distance between and object and Nonestack:[ (00000014)].Actor.getDistance() - "<native>" Line ?[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.BetterTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 129[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.TrackTheTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 88[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.OnObjectUnequipped() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 8[06/10/2018 - 02:41:28AM] [skyBirds]Updated 1337 factions.[06/10/2018 - 02:41:28AM] Error: Cannot calculate distance between and object and Nonestack:[ (00000014)].Actor.getDistance() - "<native>" Line ?[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.BetterTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 129[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.TrackTheTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 88[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.OnObjectUnequipped() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 8[06/10/2018 - 02:41:29AM] Error: Cannot calculate distance between and object and Nonestack:[ (00000014)].Actor.getDistance() - "<native>" Line ?[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.BetterTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 129[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.TrackTheTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 88[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.OnObjectUnequipped() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 8[06/10/2018 - 02:41:29AM] Error: Cannot calculate distance between and object and Nonestack:[ (00000014)].Actor.getDistance() - "<native>" Line ?[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.BetterTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 129[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.TrackTheTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 88[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.OnObjectUnequipped() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 8[06/10/2018 - 02:41:29AM] Error: Cannot calculate distance between and object and Nonestack:[ (00000014)].Actor.getDistance() - "<native>" Line ?[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.BetterTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 129[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.TrackTheTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 93[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.OnObjectUnequipped() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 8[06/10/2018 - 02:41:32AM] Error: Cannot calculate distance between and object and Nonestack:[ (00000014)].Actor.getDistance() - "<native>" Line ?[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.TrackTheTarget() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 70[alias PlayerAlias on quest LWPlayerHeadtracking (5E000D62)].LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.OnObjectUnequipped() - "LWPlayerHeadtrackingScript.psc" Line 8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cornbreadicus Posted July 19, 2018 Share Posted July 19, 2018 If this is happening only when wolves attack then this link may not help but if it is occuring everytime you enter an aggro state irregaurdless of the enemy type then look at this link. The reddit thread gives a bit of an example of what is wrong and how to fix it. I moved the file as described and it worked to fix my aggro ctds. Here's that thread:https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6624886-ctd-when-entering-combattriggering-aggro/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SirTwist Posted July 23, 2018 Share Posted July 23, 2018 To the OP, please edit your original post to place your mod list and papyrus log in spoiler so that not everyone scrolls through the whole thing to be able to respond. Second, try manually reorganizing your mod list via lists given here on the forums. Along with this, reread mod descriptions, and adjusting things that way, as well. Third, while before you start messing with activating, and reactivating mods, and something I have noticed, are you running the game via SSE SKSE loader? That might be something to look into. A question, what mod manager are you using? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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