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Problems installing Fallout Character Overhaul


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I've been attempting to install the Fallout Character Overhaul (version 3.0, and later 2.3.1) for Fallout: New Vegas. After the mod is downloaded (either through NMM directly, or downloading manually and adding to Nexus), I get an error saying "An exception occurred in the script." (full error report screenshot attached below). What should I do to resolve this issue?



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Some people are finding that even after updating NMM to v0.65.4 they still get a "script exception" message when installing some mods (such as UIO and MCM). This seems to be resolved by this suggestion from user ElysianMod:
* Run NMM as an "Administrator privileges" account.
* Go to NMM "Settings".
* Enable "Add Shell Extensions for Supported File Types".
* Then restart NMM.
(Supposedly this fix will be included in the next "unofficial" update to NMM on GitHub.)

Note: Some found it necessary to uncheck/disable the "shell extension" setting, restart NMM. and re-enable it again before it worked.



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All mod packages are supposed to be constructed with the top level folders matching those just under the game "Data" folder (e.g. "Meshes", "Textures", "Sounds", etc.). Any ESM, ESP, and BSA files should also be at that same top level (under "Data"). Some have added the "Data" folder at the top level (and some managers can deal with that), others have their name for the mod or the author's name, etc., which confuse everyone as they are not "standard"; so they make a new folder which then masks the standard ones. (Docs such as "ReadMe.txt" files can be there just under "Data" as well, but they are ignored by the game engine. Generally it's better to move all such documentation to a "Docs" folder to make it easier to find them. Remember that any with the same filename (i.e. just "ReadMe.txt") will overwrite any preexisting file with the same name, so it's better to rename them to include the mod name (e.g. "<mod_name>_ReadMe.txt"). This is the primary reason to unpack to a separate folder first.)


To manually install you have to unpack the mod archive somewhere (or directly from the archive manager); select the files and folders that need to be placed under the game "Data" folder and extract or drag them to that game "Data" folder location. Any subfolders will automatically get created. What you need to be careful about is avoiding the unneeded folders above the expected ones as they will act to "hide" them from the game engine. Pretty simple, really.



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