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Discworld's Unseen University


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This ideas are simply amazing!

I think there was another thread about Ankh-Morpork in Skyrim, maybe the suggestions of the other thread and this one could be put together and form a huge, awesome Discworld mod.


I saw that thread a while back, maybe we could contact the OP. I'm new to discworld, so it would be nice to have someone on board who has read all the books for lore purposes without spoiling the books for someone who hasn't read them.

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@Voivoid That would greatly increase productivity me thinks :thumbsup:

I think for the librarian we could start off with a frost troll, lose the third eye, make it smaller, make it less sinister, retexture it orange and make it say "Oook!"

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You mentioned not having fat wizards. The only way I can think of addressing this issue is custom clothing. Use the clothing to make them look fat.


And as for the Librarian, the modified Troll is a great start. Eventually, once, if ever, I get the hang of modeling I will try to make a proper orangutan.

Edited by Voivod333
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