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how to use mod ! help me pls


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ive install skyrim but not thru steam. and ive dl nexus mod manager. so i dl some mods and active them . but nothing seems to change when i play skyrim. any please help me here. kinda bored playing without modification. thanks!
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well, actually you can play it without manager, but it seems you need to edit on it's SkyrimPrefs.ini on your document, go to laucher selection and change it's enablefile(or somekind like that) to 1

if you got more problem PM me :D


wow thanks to actualyy help. ill try it later on. anything will pm you . thanks a lot , realy appreciate your help here :D god bless

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ive install skyrim but not thru steam.

So you pirated it. No help for you.

Skyrim (even disc-based) is always downloaded/installed via Steam. I know you used the *not allowed*, and the Nexus does not support pirated.

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We prefer honesty.

/begin rant

If I would like to have a new car, I don't steal one with the excuse I can't afford to pay for it right now. Or with the excuse that the car makers already make enough money and they won't miss mine. As a law abiding person, if I really want a new car, I save up the money to legally buy it - and do without until I can. Anything else is theft no matter how you dress it up with cutesy names like piracy.


BTW, I don't care for steam either. I put up with it because it is a legal requirement to play the game. I resent the thieves demanding that those of us who paid and got our game legally should help them when most of their problems are related to their stolen game - and are wasting our time with their stolen game.


As a one time software developer I feel very strongly about theft of software. Unlike the thieving pirates, I think that people should get paid for their hard work. Programmers have families to support, unlike many of the kiddies who think it's cute to steal software.


When sales are down at a game company because of piracy, who do you think gets laid off? The executives? The marketing people? Not likely - it will be the programmers who put in long hours and sacrificed their weekends and time off to make that deadline.

/end rant

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I belive people sould buy programs they use and i also pay myself, you point is true.

However if someone pirate a game it his own agenda and moral who am i to judge him. this is my opinion.


We do not make a judgment about your morals. We make a judgment about your compliance with our Terms of Service.

bben36 explained the reason for our rules.



We have a strict anti-piracy policy on these forums and the Nexus sites and we take a proactive and pre-emptive stance on anyone we believe is using a pirated version of any game or software.

If you give us reason to believe that you are a software pirate you will be instantly banned.


Indirectly, the above clause also means that people aiding and abetting suspected pirates are not looked upon kindly on this site.

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