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How can I delete a plugin?


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I recently began making a new town in the Capital Wasteland, meant to be used in Tale of Two Wastelands. I built the town in the New Vegas Geck, when I realized that if I made it in the Fallout 3 GECK, I'd have a version of it for people who don't use TTW. So, I rebuilt the town in the Fallout 3 GECk. In my haste, I absent-mindedly gave the plugin for the F3 version the same name as the FNV version. Upon realizing this, I deleted (and later restored afterwards) the FNV version of this town and moved the F3 town plugin to the New Vegas data folder. I was floored to see the old version of the town in the New Vegas GECK, since I had deleted it. I even tried changing the name of the F3 version of the town, but the FNV version I had made still comes up.


I'm wondering if anyone has encountered a similar problem and has any ideas around this.

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