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A Slight Issue with New Vegas

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Hey Guys! I'm Buzan and this is my first post on the forum; I'm having an issue with the G.E.C.K Tool while trying to make a companion mod. I won't bore you with the details.


The issue is while trying to make this mod I've wanted to try and playtest it: and when i went to the supposed location i put the character in (Hidden Valley Bunker 4, the northern one.) he and the stuff i placed weren't there.


This video hopefully shows all the stuff relating the mod i had an instance where i checked the bunker but OBS was refusing to record FNV so here it is;



Please inform me on how to fix this if you can.

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Is your mod's ESP enabled in NMM?


Is it at the bottom of the load order? This shouldn't matter if your other installed mods are made well, but you never know.


You didn't tick Initially Disabled on your NPC's reference, did you? I doubt you did, but something to check if the more obvious stuff isn't it.

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