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Are these mods OK and won't cause trouble? I wanted to know if I will be able to run the game properly with them.


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Graphic mods:

Nyclix's ENB Reshade

Obsidian Weathers and Seasons

Verdant: A Grass Plugin

Skyrim Flora Overhaul ?

Simply Bigger Trees ?


Gecko's 4k mountain textures

Nordic Snow

Osmodius Texture Pack

Skyrim 2017 Textures (Don't overwrite mods above)

Enhanced Textures detail ?

Static Mesh Improvement Mod (Overwrite all mods)

High Poly project (Overwrite all mods)

Forgotten Retex Project (Dont'overwrite mods above)

Book covers of Skyrim

Unique Booze Bottles

Improved Closed Face Helmets

Real Bows ?

Leanwolf's Better-Shaped Weapons SE ?


Footprints ?

Joy of Perspective

Rustic Dragon Corpse SE

A Quality World Map

Unique Uniques

Rustic Clothing

Wonders of Weather

Rustic Death Hound and Gargoyle

Improved Fish

Glorious Dwarven Metal

Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods SE

Rustic Elder Scroll

Stunning Statues of Skyrim

Kaarstag-Frost King Reborn,Skeleton,Draugr,Dragon Priest,Giant,Falmer,Hagraven,Troll,Sabrecat,Mammoth,Wispmother

Enhanced Blood Textures

Shields of the Holds

Combat mods:

Combat Evolved

Mortal Enemies


Bug fixes and improvements:

Unofficial Skyrim SE Patch



Sovngarde Font Replacer

SSE Engine Fixes

Character mods:

CBBE (second)

Femine Khajiit

Femine Argonian


Total Character Makeover ? (first)

The Eyes of Beauty

No heavy muscular walk and idle

Smooth Running Animations

Camp mods:

Camp Argentom

Camp Varglya

Creature mods:

Immersive Patrols

Diverse Dragons Collection


Immersive Citizens ?

More Werevolves

Populated Lands Roads Paths

Populated Cities Towns Villages

Realistic Ragdolls and Force

Daedric Beasts-Wendigos and Howlers ?

Diverse Skyrim ?

Public Executions


Critters ain't snitches - Animal and Monster Crime Reporting Fix ?


Skyrim Better Roads

Unique Borders

Khajiit Speak ?

Relationship Dialogue Overhaul


Master of Disguise

Royal Armory

Zim's Immersive Artifacts

Guard Dialogue Overhaul

Hold Border Banners


Stormlord Armor ?

Pastel Map Markers

Open Civil War

Sound mods:

Immersive Sounds

Soultrap Sound Edit

SSE High Quality Music

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If it was like fourth or three mods ok, but 84...


Why didn't you test the mods one by one as 95% of players do ?


All the graphic mods are ok except "Static mesh improvement" who, like you said, overwrite a lot.


Wet&Cold can make some issues with the "snowy" or "wet" textures on some modded armor (I experienced that with one or two).

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If it was like fourth or three mods ok, but 84...


Why didn't you test the mods one by one as 95% of players do ?


All the graphic mods are ok except "Static mesh improvement" who, like you said, overwrite a lot.


Wet&Cold can make some issues with the "snowy" or "wet" textures on some modded armor (I experienced that with one or two).

I don't have game at the moment I will buy it when it goes on sale. I changed the list now. Thanks

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