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Could "FadeOutGame" sometimes not fade back in?!

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Hey guys,


I just finished a mod I've been working on for a couple of months and I'm in the process of crash testing it while playing.


I use "FadeOutGame" twice in this mod, once to fade out, and then again after a few other functions run while the screen is black, I use it again to fade back in. 99 times out of 100, it'll do what I expect, but in the process, it happened twice already that it never fades back in - screen remains black and I have to console "qqq" to exit.


I've checked all my functions which run while the screen is black, none is a loop, none is susceptible to lock my script, debug shows they run smoothly and I get no log error at all. In the end, I'm starting to wonder if the FadeOutGame is not too blame - has this ever happened to any of you too?


Thanks :smile:

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:facepalm: ArrrrRRRgh... Forget it!.. I had a stupid external function running with a "Wait.(12.00)" which had turned into "Wait.(1200)"... o_O


I need smaller fingers when I type or better neurons when I proof read my scripts... :whistling:

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