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PCEA2 & SittingIdle Animations


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I've been trying to learn, and struggling with every wrong step, and once, ruined Skyrim to where I couldn't even play it for four months. Now, I know how to edit mods, stats of vanilla weapons, but.... trying to re (??) enable vanilla animations because PCEA2 had them removed (which really sucks), and I cannot figure it out, every thing Ive read has only made things for me far more confusing. And PCEA2 is really encouraging for new animations. So I don't believe it's impossible to re enable vanilla idle chair animations, but every step Ive taken has been in the dark, guessing and guessing as to WHAT I need to do, but I'm so overwhelmed just by how hard and impossible it is for me to do. Everything I've read I cannot understand, videos Ive studied left me even more dumbfounded, and so I'm reaching out, for help. I'm way to afraid too ruin Skyrim again.




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FNIS PCEA2 can not remove vanilla animations. Only animation that you install as it's own mod can replace them. Make sure that you are putting animations in the correct folder inside FNIS PCEA2.


Don't install mods manually in the Skyrim data folder. If you are using Nexus Mod Manager, trash it. It handles overwrites very poorly, and requires you to remove and reinstall mods in certain order to work correctly. (To a degree) Having to keep reinstalling mods in a specific order is a huge waste of time and can break thing if you don't.


If not already, use Mod Organizer, it works fine for me. Even I got broken games back when using NMM.


If you switch, you may as well reinstall Skyrim as well. I also suggest not Subscribing to Steam mods as it can cause some issues if not handled right.

Edited by NightroModzz
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Caideus1, it doesn't make sense when you repeat the same, ehm, unqualified assertion you already made in the PCEA2 thread. The following answer is the last I gave you, and you didn't even care to respond. What different insight into PCEA2 are you expecting here.


FNIS or PCEA2 didn't "remove" custom sit animations. It just didn't ADD it to the list of supported ones. That'S a BIG difference.

And the reason why I excluded sit animations (besides the fact that there were no custom sit animations at the time I implemented it) was availability of "other means" to implement it. With FNIS furniture or chair animations. Not as easy as Alternate Animations, because it requires a mod and a modder to do it. But it is still possible.



The problem of your report is that you didn't explain with one word so far what you mean by "PCEA2 had them (vanilla animations) removed". What do you see instead, or what does your player do?

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