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Enchantment Help


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In the creation kit, navigate to "perk." Select and open up "Extra Effect." Change the name to whatever you want. There are three conditions in the table - delete them. Down in "perk entries" the entry says "mod # applied enchants allowed." Double click on that and there is a tickbox on the right that says entry point. The value is set to 2, change that number to however many enchants you want. Click on ok, and then click yes when it asks you if you want to create a new form id. Now you have a perk that does what you want. How you apply that effect to the pc can be done in a few ways. As far as making your own enchants, the answer is yes. As to the how, it depends on what exactly you want the enchant to be.


I am experimenting with creating new effects myself. When i get an idea of what i want to do, I first check to see if the effect is already in game, whether it be a perk, spell, shout, power, or otherwise. If it is, it's just a matter of manipulating how you produce that effect in game.

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Drop the "Magic" option if you haven't already, go to "enchantments" and to make things easy pick a simple enchantment that is used for either a weapon or armour, depending on what you want it for - it must be set for either because each one offers different enchant possibilities. Double-click the one you want to open up a window.


In this window go to the right where you see the enchantment basic description, right click and select "new". From here you get to pick another enchantment to add from the "magic effect" list, which is also under magic. You can add several enchantments to your special item this way :thumbsup:


If you are unsure of a magic effect in the list open it up the same way under the category, it should give you a better idea. Some have special names and not very descriptive, you just need to look at the values, associated items, conditions etc.

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