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Horn of Jurgen Windcaller


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Upon returning to High Hrothgar with the Horn, I noticed Angier hadn't moved from his place by that outside sprint place. I gave him the horn but he didn't move. The quest arrow was over Wulfgar but he was inside. I tried to talk to Wulfgar but he only went thru the motions of giving the word. I never got the word. Is there a setstage on this one? TY

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every quest technically has stages , so you could use the setstage command

it doesn't guarantee anything , as your quest might be broken (I can't promise anything either way)

if you want to find the stages , there are several wiki sites that should have that information

I'm linking one of them http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:The_Horn_of_Jurgen_Windcaller

you should be able to find others via a simple google search , if needed

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If setting the quest stage doesn't work, I'd suggest loading an earlier save and redoing the quest. Yes, it's a pain, but it's the best way to make sure the quest works as it should.

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Yes, I'd have to agree I should just go back to an earlier Save. But....I did a bunch b4 I ran back over to Angeir. This specific Quest Objective is 40. In SSE would the console command be {player.setstage 40}. I highly doubt it though. What would it be? Thnx (this won't be a big deal if it doesn't work..SSE drives me nuts anyways...not enough mods and too many still in alpha)

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look here http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Console_Commands

just search the page of SetStage . I'm almost 100% sure the console commands for Skyrim LE and SE are the same

and this has the entire list , so you'll have others if you ever need them


as for the state of SE , I can't quite agree with you , but you are also somewhat correct

I mean , there are plenty of mods for SE . many of the great mods have been ported over

but considering the fact that SE is a slightly prettier version of LE , the fact that the game has been basically exactly the same since 2013 (when Dragonborn and the last updates were released) , and with the entire issue of the CC and how it was implemented , I can't fault mod authors for leaving that game behind . I mean , there is a limit to how many hours you can get from that game (though this differs greatly from player to player) , and Bethesda hasn't been all too great about generating good will , especially since they started releasing CC content with updates that broke SKSE64 and any mod that uses it , and all that

add to it the fact that SKSE64 isn't just a port of SKSE , and the amount of work that had to be done to bring it to this stage , and I think you'll see why comparing SE and LE now is just not fair........

but that's just my two cents on the matter , and I'm sure there are plenty of folks here with conflicting opinions

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