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Can Collision Cubes be set to block the player camera?


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I've placed a number of Collision Cubes in a new player home. They work great in that the characters can't walk through them or anything like that. But the Collision Cubes don't block the player camera.


I've tried editing the Collision Cubes by opening the Primitives Tab and selecting different options in the collision box (pull-down menu). I've tried all of the settings that looked like they might work. But there are still maybe 20 untried settings in that menu, so I thought I'd ask for help.


In the past, I've cobbled home-made collision cubes by finding statics in the shapes needed and then mapping them with transparent texture. That works fine, but I'd like to learn the right way of doing this stuff.


Can anybody clue me in?







(And thanks for having a look.)

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