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Questions I've not found answers


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Why some gear (like some gunners' stuff) doesn't breaks for components? There are some bandanas and uniforms, etc. I only keep them for selling. I take it they should be in scraplist? And, if its a bug, then what can be done with it?

Edited by URM1979
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I know for some things it's not a bug, just an oversight. If it happens with every instance of an item then they just never assigned materials to it and marked it as scrappable. If it only happens with some, but not others, of identical items, then it's probably a bug.

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Ahh... Devs seems to forgot about these items... Ok, I think I found Eli's video about adding materials to clothes... 'll try to patch myself... Besides some mods have similar problem (raider overhaul, SM redux)

PS: thanks for reply

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