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Quest Objective Markers Do Not Always Work

David Brasher

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Skyrim has some serious issues with reliability and repeatability that could discourage people from building mods for it.


Quest objective markers do not always show up.


You can make them work in one mod, but not another. You can copy how they are set up in the original game and they can still not work. You can follow the tutorial on the wiki and still have your markers not show up.


Is there some special trick people have to use to get their quest objective markers to show up?


Is there a documented bug with Skyrim itself that justifies why quest markers frequently fail to work?


Is there a another tutorial on making quest markers other than the one about the dirty thief who stole the amulet?


Why don't quest markers consistently work?

Edited by David Brasher
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I'm afraid I don't have any insight into this issue, however, I find this topic amusing after reading your Quest Markers are Bad rant.


So far for me quest markers have worked each time I set one up. Mine have always referenced an alias, though. Perhaps that's something to take into account.

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All of the quest markers refer to aliases. They are all force-filled to point to a particular object. Some of them are unique actors. Some of them are books, some of them are misc items, some of them are markers. Some of them do work and some of them do not work although the working ones are set up exactly the same as the non-working ones.


Quest markers are bad game design, and I usually avoided using them in my Oblivion mods too. But for some applications, a quest marker can be be useful, especially if the marker points to something way out in the wilderness where there are no good landmarks to talk about in the dialog. Now when quests have quest markers showing you how to get back to the questgiver after the quest, that is just really lame. Like is the adventurer so stupid and forgetful that he or she can't find the way back to the person that was talked to like an hour ago?


In Oblivion it was amazingly simple to set quest markers. Just point them to a persistent reference and place the proper conditions on them and it always worked. No element of chance or arcane factors nobody can readily explain.

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  • 2 months later...
I had this problem on a mod I was making before. The objective markers just didn't want to show up in game. However, when trying it out on a different save they appeared fine. I'm not sure if it will be as simple as that for you, but that's how I solved the problem before.
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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Have any of you ever run into issues where adding aliases breaks the quest? I'm having the same issue with the markers not working for 2 unique actors (2 others set up the same way work fine every time), however after maybe 6 adjustments to try and get it to work all of a sudden the entire quest seems to fail to load. As soon as I remove those aliases, the quest works again. Even adding them back seems to work for a little while. Just curious if anyone else has experienced this.


EDIT: Again, i found the fix to this is that the save i had before i guess 'cached' the quest into memory, or something, as loading a different save showed that the whole time I thought it was working, it wasn't.



This does raise the question though, what would cause an object, confirmed not to be dead or missing (prid xxx concludes that there is actually an object and getdead does not return a positive result indicating the npc is dead) to not be selectable as a objective marker. And why does it break quests if it is set as such.

Edited by KHShadowrunner
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