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XWM conversion help.


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Hey I was wondering, I recently converted a WAV. format to XWM, seeing as Skyrim runs on XWM now... But when ever I drag and drop it into the Data/Music/Special folder it does nothing? The sons of Skyrim still plays, while the converted file does nothing. Is there some sort of special thing I am suppose to do? (I used the xWMEncoder)
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If you want to change the songs the bards of the game perform, things are a lot more complicated than that. First off, the singing is in the .fuz voice format, not .xwm. Also, every line or verse of a song has its own .fuz file, which needs to be combined with a .lip sync file for the singing to look right. Since there are several bards, of different sexes and with individual voices, you'd need to replace the .fuz files for all of them for that particular song. Moreover, the voice .fuz files need to go in the Sound\Voice folder, not the Music folder.
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If you are just looking at music, you should check out Personalized Music For Skyrim 4.0. That author has made the process much easier, and takes both wav and xwm files. Even if you don't want to use the mod, if you read through the description and readme, you may get a better idea what the process entails (and I suspect, decide to use the mod...but I'm just guessing!) I find the mod works flawlessly.

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