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Creating a new race with the creation kit


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Okay, So I am trying to create a new race with the creation kit using the http://www.creationkit.com/Tutorial_Creating_a_Playable_Race tutorial. It has some issues. It has an issue that I cannot figure out how to fix. It only has one selection for hair and eyes. In the console command, when I try to add more, it just replaces the one. I select multiple ones and add them, but still nothing happens. Do you have any ideas how to add more selections of hair (as in the shape, not color) and eyes (this time the color)?


Any and all help is apreciated.

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This isn't a reply, but I figured I'd add my problem in here in case someone would like to answer.

I follow that same tutorial to the tee. When I go to my new race, the only thing there is a head 100% of the time.

I go to youtube for a tutorial on the same thing, follow it to the tee, and when ever I start adding the body parts to the head, all it does is add another copy of the same race with another head and no body.

Does the ck even work?

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open the hair window and drag and drop the ones you want to the new race, same with eyes.


If you read my post, it states that I tried dragging and it would only replace it, not add actual options. I want to be able to add options

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I followed your advice, and it worked like charm...




...for literally 90 seconds and my body and clothing disappeared and only a head was running around. Modding is not new to me. I've made mods for oblivion and never had these problems. Only half of my spells showed up with my race, and the ones that made it, had no effect.

No more ck for me. I'm done with this.

I wish you success, though and thanks for your help.

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