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Skyrim - Discworld Mod Talk


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It might help drum up additional support and help if we start with a few companion mods.



Rincewind and the Luggage - The Luggage can take up the dog slot, provide mobile storage and randomly eat people.


Tiffany Aching and the Wee Free Men - I am not even sure how you would manage the Feagles, but the amusement factor of small tiny cursing Feagles would be awesome. Tiffany you could do all sorts of stuff with.


A member of the Assassins Guild being a transfer member from the Anke Morpork Branch, could be interesting. For the Sadistic Players, maybe Mr. Teatime.


Perhaps all three witches, Granny Weatherwax, Granny Ogg, and Magrat. With interesting observations from Granny Ogg whenever you enter a pub.


Maybe the foot ball characters from his more recent book.




By drumming up support, you may gain additional support for voices, spells, outfits, quests, ect.

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I forgot all about the "Elder Race" in the Creation Kit. So, the Silver Horde is all sorted out. I still think some custom beards and armor is needed for them though. As for UU beards, only Ridcully needs a custom beard.





I will try to incorporate some of those ideas. Though, they are likely to be later additions. The mod will start off with the UU, then Ankh-Morpork, followed by Lancre and the Ramptops, then expand from there to Sto Helit and beyond. Basically when there is a new version/update of the mod, new places and characters will be added. Eventually players will have access to, fingers crossed, the entire Discworld.

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Unfortunately the quest writer who did the mod 'sea of ghosts' has declined our offer on the basis that nothing is good enough to be referenced in Elder scrolls, not even pratchett...


Wow, he is a bit full of himself isn't he?



Any idea when a test mod will come about? Did you get a look at the unfinished disc world mod that slainify made before he backed out?

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No, I never got a chance to see the unfinished mod.


Some bad news though, I will have to withdraw from the Discworld Mod. I simply have no time. I have a lot going on in RL. I really wish I could continue to keep working on it but I simply cannot. GalaxyS3 will have to take the helm.

Edited by Voivod333
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