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Sentry Bots to melee less?


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Seems silly when you see sentry bots who are loaded to the gills with guns are trying to club everything with said guns instead of shooting them.


Unlike even common raiders the programmers of Sentry bots seemed to have forgotten to give them back up instructions, now while I get why with other bots such as Assaulttrons and Protectrons would not be able to back peddle due to the awkwardness of walking backwards Sentry bots with there wheels seem aptly suited to quickly change directions. It almost seems that that is why they went with the tri-wheel set up, to quickly strafe side to side to avoid incoming heavy fire such tank rounds and rockets.


OK so lore reasoning aside, on a more technical stand point I often see humanoid NPCs back peddling and firing, and while Sentry bots do sometimes back up to keep distance is there not a AI package variable that could be set for them to make it a priority to stay out of melee combat? I have seen Sentry bots move pretty quickly when they set their minds to it. Maybe one melee arm sweep to stagger foes and then quickly backing up to open distance. As it is now once Sentry bots are engaged in melee they will keep bashing, even if their foe is knocked back they move forward to keep bashing, only going back to ranged weapons once their melee target dies and the next target is some distance away.


Even if no one is willing to make such a mod if anyone just happened to know what variable in their AI package might control this I could try to edit it my self.


Thanks to anyone who is willing to help.

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