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after Skyrim update ATI video card recognized as Nvidia


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Some mods that use a .dll will change what card is detected. It shouldn't have any effect on performance and it probably looks worse because the settings were modified to accommodate the detected 'change'. It may be a enb or fxaa mod but it is known to happen. Just change your settings back to what they were before. If you are worried about it saying that than you can try removing any graphics mod to make sure it goes back. I believe I had the same problem with both Skyrim and GTA4 (my amd cards also displayed as a 8800).
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Some mods that use a .dll will change what card is detected. It shouldn't have any effect on performance and it probably looks worse because the settings were modified to accommodate the detected 'change'. It may be a enb or fxaa mod but it is known to happen. Just change your settings back to what they were before.

Setting are still the same but it is stuttering and slow and looks like it's running in 16 bit color, LOD is way off field of vision is 2/3 size set for. Looks like it is running on a POS nvidia card.


No new mods for weeks.


Thanx for answering, this is driving me nutty. I still has not worked but still trying.

Edited by BBafit
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That is very strange :confused: .


When you go into your RendererInfo.txt does it say you have an 8800 also or does it still state that you have a 5670?


I am not quite sure why it would be doing this but if you do happen to have any mods that require a .dll file (check for a d3d9.dll in your skyrim folder) try and remove them just to make sure this problem isn't at all mod related. I would also launch another game or run dxdiag to make sure that it is limited to skyrim.


You never know when a ninja may sneak into your house and switch out your video card :ninja: .

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what's "update 8"?

It's pirate-speak. Don't worry about. Pirate often find "problems" with what they steal and they hope people on the interweb will help troubleshoot their problem.

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