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Major fps drop over time


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I have a Lenovo y570, and recently got new Vegas for it. When I launch the game, I have a very consistent fps of 60. However, after several minutes it abruptly drops to around 19, and steadily decreases from there, until about 15 minutes or so in I am at 9-13 fps and I rage quit.


Some have recommended a d3d9.dll fix. I have tried this, but whenever I put it in the games root folder it crashes upon launch.


What can I do to make playing new Vegas bearable?

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I have the same problem. After an hour or so my framerate drops to like 5 or 10 fps.


Once the fps is that low and I save, quitting and loading will not help.


The fps will be low from the moment I load my game.


Yes I have tried the purge cell buffer thingy.


I'm 90% sure it's because of one of the mods I have installed.


Do you by chance have the Project Nevada mod installed?


A list of your mods would help me find the problem.

Edited by JacobBruce
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It could also be a background process such as the indexing service suddenly deciding it absolutely must re-index right now. Or an auto defrag hitting the trigger point where it defrags the drive no matter what you are doing. :confused:
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No it's not an overheating problem, it has nothing to do with the index service or CPU usage. Read what I said, loading a save where the fps was low will instantly result in low fps. It happens no matter if my PC is ice cool and if I close all my applications before playing the game. I instantly have low fps from the moment I load my save and start playing. It's some sort of bug with the game. It's not a type of "stutter", and the stutter remover will not help. I'm fairly certain it's a bug related to a mod.
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Thanks for the help guys. I think I have ruled it down to overheating, and have thus placed my computer on a cookie rack.

Damn I wish my problem was that easy to solve.


I'm gunna have to disable some mods one by one and see where the problems is.


So... many... mods... :wacko:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the help guys. I think I have ruled it down to overheating, and have thus placed my computer on a cookie rack.

Damn I wish my problem was that easy to solve.


I'm gunna have to disable some mods one by one and see where the problems is.


So... many... mods... :wacko:

I figured out what the problem was and thought I should update this thread in case anyone else is experiencing the same thing.


It seems any mod which adds a depth of field effect can cause this problem. In my case it was the Project Reality mod.


If you have Project Reality and the Mod Menu thing, untick the "Subtle Depth of Field" option under the FX sub-menu.

Edited by JacobBruce
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