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Question about freezing time..


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Ooo that does sound interesting ... albeit not freezing real time as in the game engine freezing. Cuz then we wouldn't or couldn't freeze time for a specified amount.


See that is the thing with manipulating time ... there you are outside of time observing its slowing or stoppage.

All the while with your own sense of time ticking.

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That can kind of be done, I think. Have to look at a couple of things to make sure. But what happens after that? How does time unfreeze?


Sorry for replying late, but I was thinking of having a timer after a certain amount of time (unknown as of yet) then unfreeze and load the checkpoint.


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My code looks like this right now

scn 00DeathTitle

Float Timer

Begin Gamemode
	If Player.GetDead == 1
		If timer < 2.5
			set timer to timer + GetSecondsPassed
			MessageEx "This is a test to ensure the script works.."
			set timer to 0

But it refuses to work in-game with a "quest" that starts up with the game, so I've been thinking about attaching the script to the player and replacing the Begin block with "Begin OnDeath"


Edit: And yes I am using GECK PowerUp Fork along with its NVSE plugin ran by "nvse_loader.exe" -editor

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It probably refuses to work because the script is updating every five seconds (the default) and the vanilla death stuff isn't long enough, or something is altered when the player dies. Now, I know from a recent error I made where the player is killed in a massive amount of fire and I forgot the bDoOnce check, that the quest script should keep firing after the player's death, so we at least know that the script should be running.


Try GameMode for now I suppose (with a much shorter quest delay), but I'd much rather use an event handler in the final script.


So, what is the end goal? Freeze time for 2.5 seconds and just load the game? or is more stuff happening?

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