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NPC Face Change mod only leave the old face discoloured


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Nope, didn't work - all it did was change some of my existing NPC's to dark face.


No extra Apachii Hair on anybody.


Tried fix on its own, tried the NPC Overhaul, uninstalled, reinstalled it first then fix. Still no result


Totally stumped.

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If you don't make a new FaceGen for each NPC you change they will have gray faces.

The best way to add Apachii and make face changes to multiple NPCs is to open Skyrim.esm and save as "My_NPCs.esp" or whatever you want to call it. Then re-open that plugin as active with Apachii checked. Make all your changes on this esp then select each actor you changed in Actors>Actor of Object Window then hit ctrl+F4 and answer yes to export FaceGen. Save the esp and load this plugin last.

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I've tried all this - Dizzasterjuice


Here's what I just did:


Opened up the Hulda (from Hotter Whiterun) single esp in Creation Kit.


Opened up Inventory


Changed outfit to Barkeep2


Opened up CharacterGen


Changed face from DEFAULT to Nord21 (same as above)


Closed Character


Clicked on Hulda in the list


pressed Ctrl-F4 to export facegen.


Saved file over original. (ive also tried creating a new file as well)


Run Skyrim - went to Bannered Mare


Hulda now has new outfit (one I gave her) but the only thing that has changed is the face colour - not the new face, the old one but darker.


So you see it's not that a simple a solution.


As a further note, some of the NPC's have changed when I run the full mod but others haven't. Typically the ones I want to change.


So back to square one.

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And you have it loaded last?

Well it works for me on about 20 npcs at the same time :biggrin: ...but then I do manual load order and install. Some of those mod managers mess with your load order so it's hard to tell what it's accessing and when. They would probably work if I actually took the time to figure them out but I've been doing manual for years and it's always worked for me.

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Yep, all last.


The manual downloads just have an esp and a bsa for each one so it's easy enough.


But I just can#t seem to get certain NPC's to change.


Ahhh...that might explain it. Are the ones that are gray faced the ones that are in bsa files? Sometimes the game won't access bsa files for FaceGens. I've only heard of this happening a few times but to fix it we extracted 2 files from the bsa that's not working:


Data>textures>actors>character>FaceGenData>FaceTint>TheModName.esp (or Skyrim.esp if it's changing a vanilla NPC) (all the dds files from here)


Data>meshes>actors>character>FaceGenData>FaceGeom>TheModName.esp (or Skyrim.esp if it's changing a vanilla NPC) (all the nif files from here)

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Ok I'm with you. So if I extract the dds from the bsa then I should be able to place it in Skyrim.esp in Facetint and facegeomfor the ones that aren't working (like I said before it only affects some not all)


Next question, how do I extract files from the bsa? :-)

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