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NPC Face Change mod only leave the old face discoloured


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file>open select your bsa then check these 2 files then edit>add file:

Data>textures>actors>character>FaceGenData>FaceTint>TheModName.esp (or Skyrim.esp if it's changing a vanilla NPC) (all the dds files from here)

Data>meshes>actors>character>FaceGenData>FaceGeom>TheModName.esp (or Skyrim.esp if it's changing a vanilla NPC) (all the nif files from here)

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Ok, I've tried a few things since.


As the Hulda mod is a standalone and one I can play around with, I'm just using this one for now - if I get this working I should be able to do the other ones not working.


Using AOpt I extracted the dds and nif files (no tga files though) from the origianl texture and mesh bsa's (however there was a weird error message - see below)


I copied these to the skyrim.esm in both meshes and textures in the data folder.


what this left me was a new one, Hulda now has a purple head, although it remains the same one.


I then opened up the hulda.esp in Creation Kit. and exported the facegen's (thinking it would overwrite the ones there) - curiously the creation kit shows the new Hulda


I reinstalled the mod again but first checked it without.


However Hulda returned to her old face right colour with the mod not installed and with a dark face with it installed.


I tried using Archive and saved the files as Hulda1 so as to not overwrite the original (I was going to delete that and rename this one to the old one) however Archive stopped working, mid save and crashed. So I can't use that.


Another interesting thing is that AOpt does a hash check and it says the contents of the files do not match the ones in the BSA's so that may be a reason why it's not working (it's corrupt in the original)


If you have any other idea's, please I'm listening.


Cheers in advance.

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Did it again - this time added the files to a new bsa called it Hulda - still same problem


Can't solve this one.


If I go back to before I first went into the bannered mare it actually works - so it must be a saved game problem

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