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No plugins with mods installed?


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This seems to be the main issue plaguing my Skyrim setup these days; The mods are enabled in Vortex, but i dont get anything outside of Steam mods in the Plugins. A quick google search doesent help me either. Knowing the answer is going to be somthing simple (I'll submit to all the posts calling me a noob), May i ask for some common causes and fixes?

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At the time, I diden't mess around with any of the deployment settings. And clicking "Deploy mods" diden't solve it either.

After looking around a little more, by current guess is that i did somthing wrong when it came to where Vortex installed and downloaded mods. I'm going to attempt to re-install skyrim, then redownload Vortex and let it auto detect which file spots to use.


As of now, this would seem to be a problem with my Skyrim installation, NOT Vortex itself.

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