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Edited malebody_0 and malebody_1 .nifs to be a dwarf, now hands look broken and bent?


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I am trying to make a dwarf looking character. I have seen the ones already modded and dont like them much, no offense to modders. After stretching the body .nif out in Bodyslide, everything looks great except the hands. Th fingers are stretched and bent looking. I cant find anything to explain why? I know it must be the skeleton. I have tried make a new NiNode to attach the fingers to with no change. I have also tried moving the hands outward in nifskope to try and place them near where the hand .nifs would be. Im pretty new, and just know enough to be dangerous, lol!

Any help in the right direction would be appreciated!


Oh, and i have tried the racemenu body morph mods, i just cant seem to get the body shape im after with these.


Thanks in advance!

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