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Place At PC


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placeatme <your missing NPC's baseID> (this will probably not solve your problem)


But this will work properly


prid <your missing NPC's referenceID>

moveto player


If he/she doesn't show up



resurrect 1

moveto player


Before you ask "But how do I get the baseID or refID" read my previous post ... it's a step by step method of solving your problem.

Edited by Striker879
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"See, that wasn't so hard" The top two I can understand.


placeatme 01073815 and prid 01073815 moveto player (no co-ordinates?)


The last doesn't make sense.



resurrect 1

moveto player


Where do I insert the ID?

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Read my previous posts ... they describe what each command does and how to get the baseID and refID. That cannot be explained in less words than I used (at least not by me).


- Edit - Here's a link to the UESP Wiki for Console Commands

Edited by Striker879
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"Ex.: Player.PlaceAtMe AED40 5; spawns 5 Adoring Fans next to the player." His number is 000aed40 with the first three dropped. However my Dremora has 010 and I was using her full number 01073815. I assume only the last five number/letters are required.
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Yes 01073815 is the same as 1073815 ... leading zeros are not significant but all zeros to the right of an alphanumeric digit are significant.
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Where do I insert the ID?


Nowhere, thats what the "prid" command is for.


I'm assuming its "Pick Reference ID" and it is functionally the same as when you use your mouse to click on an object/character while in the console. Its use is for when you can't do that.


And Striker already explained in rather excruciating detail how to solve your problem.

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Follow the link to the UESP Wiki page ... almost everything I know about console commands came from that page and experimentation.
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You were right I tried every variations of the above and could not her back. I suspect that the game is not programed to recognize mod npc IDs. Next time I restart the game [if ever] I will just make her a respawn.

Thanks for the effort all.

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It may be a wrong first two digits for her referenceID. If you can find another NPC that is added to the game by the same mod you can get the correct first two digits to use. If you've done that or they are the same as the ones you've been trying I'm not sure what the problem may be. I use that method on mod added NPCs all the time (often I'll get tired of resurrecting them and just make them essential ... wouldn't work out if the mod required you to kill them later of course).


If you resort to the restart the game method make sure you get her refID the first time you meet her in the game. Just open the console while she's standing in front of you and click on her with the mouse. Her referenceID will appear along with her name at the top of the screen. Write it down somewhere you'll remember (and because you've done that nothing out of the ordinary will happen to her).

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010 is common among the npc mods I possess. I'm not restarting for just one missing npc, next time I play the [if ever] I will switch her to respawn. I cannot get her refID as she is missing altogether. However, she was under command creature spell [and unconscious] when I fled the the fight/fast travel [low health]. Is there a way to locate an npc that's lost in the landscape?
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