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Not without their refID. When you say '010' is common with NPC mods you possess I'm going to assume you're getting that number from the Construction Set (where you'll see that vanilla NPCs are 00 and any mod added are 01 when you only have Oblivion.esm and the NPC mod esp loaded). The actual in-game first two digits are determined by the load order when that NPC mod is started in the game (so that same NPC that was for instance 01073815 when you looked at her in the CS would now be 04073815 in the game if the mod was 5th on the mod list (fourth down from Oblivion.esm).


I hate base 16 math (heck I could have even screwed up that example) so what I do is find something else that the same mod adds to the game that hasn't gone missing and click on it in the console. The referenceID of that item will appear at the top of the screen. Write down the first two numbers ... those are the digits that you will replace in your missing NPC. If Joe the Baker is added to the game by the same mod, and Joe the Baker has the refID 4e0231b1 then to get your missing NPC back you will enter the following console commands:


prid 4e073815 (the NPC's name and the referenceID 4e073815 will now be displayed at the top of your screen)

moveto player

Close the console


If the NPC doesn't appear then open the console again (and you will notice that the NPC's refID is still displayed at the top of the screen) and enter the following commands:



resurrect 1

moveto player

Close the console. Note that it's a number one after resurrect ... that's so the NPC doesn't lose all their stuff.


Once you get the proper first two digits and the rest of the referenceID this can't fail ... I use it all the time.


- Edit - Another method is the 'load an old save and go find the NPC' method. In the old save click your missing NPC to get the refID displayed on the top of the screen. Write it down and exit. Load your recent save and use the refID from the old save ... it won't change unless you add or delete mods in between checking the old save and loading your recent one.

Edited by Striker879
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Elsweyr Anequina is number 32 in line the unofficial patch is 33 and MTP is 34. Dremora of the Lamp is singular in the mod. I had one Command Humanoid npc from Vilverin wind up in Anvil, so I think she could be lost in the Skingrad wilderness as I fled to IC. Edited by RazaCovek
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Do you mean in the whole mod there is only one NPC? If the mod only uses one esp file (in other words if there is only one ElsweyrAnequina.esp and not an ElsweyreAnequinaThis.esp and an ElsweyrAnequinaThat.esp) then all of the items that the mod adds will have the same first two digits (any vanilla Oblivion items that it uses will have 00).


I'm sure the mod must have towns. Unless those towns are completely empty find an NPC that does not exist anywhere except in that mod (in other words is not a vanilla Oblivion NPC found in any of the towns in vanilla Oblivion). Open the console and click on that NPC. The first two digits are all you need. Do the prid console command starting with those two digits and then the last six digits of your missing NPCs referenceID (very important it's the refID and not the baseID).


The method I've shown you doesn't care how you lost the NPC or where they are. By doing the prid and then moveto player first if they are alive they'll be moved to you. If they are dead then the enable, resurrect 1 and moveto player will bring them back to life and move them to you.


The only thing outside of an incorrect refID that might screw things up (and I emphasize might because I don't think it would but the possibility is there) would be that the commands may not work if you are in Elsweyr and they are in Cyrodiil or vice versa. Easiest way to find out that is try the commands once while your character is in Elsweyr and if it doesn't work once while in Cyrodiil.


If those number you have in your post are decimal numbers the hexadecimal equivalents are 21 for decimal 33 and 22 for decimal 34. Hexadecimal 20 is decimal 32, hexadecimal 1f is decimal 31. Here's a link to a hexadecimal calculator Google found for me ... DECIMAL to BINARY and HEXADECIMAL Converter.

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I re-edited my previous comment. Dremora Genie is a quest, begins and ends on the spot. she is unique in the mod. It is a Journal quest entry that can't be closed until I find her. I wish some one would invent an in game utility that records all npcs vanilla plus mods in CS and list them. You click on a name and a dot shows up on a map.
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As long as the quest is added by Elsweyr Anequina the referenceID of your missing Dremora should be 20073815 if Elsweyr is number 32 on your list and you started counting at zero (computers always start counting at zero). If you started counting at one then your Dremora should be refID 1f073815 (both examples using the last six digits of the number you gave in this post).


Going with the assumption that your Elsweyr is 32nd on your list and you started counting at one, here's the console commands I'd use:


prid 1f073815 and hit Enter

moveto player and hit Enter

Close the console


If the Dremora doesn't appear reopen the console and:


enable and hit Enter

resurrect 1 and hit Enter

moveto player and hit Enter

Close the console


I would do that first standing where she is supposed to be. If it doesn't work then I'd go to Cyrodiil and try it there.

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I finally got her back. 1f073815 didn't work but, there was a dead khajiit [which I had forgotten] at the original spot where the Dremora stood. On a hunch I used his ID combined with the Dremora. Since I was low on health at that point, I had resurrected the dead khajiit before attempting a respawn. He died again and I fled the scene again. Edited by RazaCovek
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It's always handy to have another NPC added by the same mod to get those first two digits from. I have a couple of girls added by an armor mod that I've resurrected and 'befriended'. One of them is almost always where she's supposed to be, right near her editor location. The other gets 'whisked off her feet' and winds up at the Tiber Septim Hotel about half the time I drop in for a visit with her. Happens often enough I have her refID almost committed to memory.


Something to keep in mind is those first two digits are dependent on where the mod is in your load order. If it's high up on your list it probably won't change very often, unless you run BOSS after adding a mod and it moves another mod higher on your list. If it's near the bottom of your list it will likely change more frequently, if you add and delete mods often. When I try the wrong number for my missing girl and it doesn't work I'll often just try increasing or decreasing the first two digits by one or two when I'm too lazy to run over to the other girl to get the right numbers.


How do I know she gets whisked off to the Tiber Septim? I've popped in there unexpectedly on occasion ... turns into quite a brawl. Just because I've befriended her doesn't make her popular with the Tiber Septim regulars.

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I re-edited my previous post. She came back completely naked in all her Sexywalk HGEC glory as her garments were probably destroyed by the natives. I really think that the faces of the women should look a lot better than their men.


Now that this is done, what do think about a creature who's head stretches to infinity?

Pic under my name http://beta.nexusmods.com/images/view/

Edited by RazaCovek
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