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Ghillie Suit


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You know their IS apparently an extra part or option of the .nif files that has to do with LOD and whether the mesh is blended with the environment (read about it on one of the posts over at the Nifskope forums)

They weren't too sure what it was for, because only certain meshes use it, but after thinking about it, maybe it's used for characters such as Spriggans? How they sort of 'blend' into trees until you get close. If there is a way of implementing this 'environment blending' it would make a perfect camouflage system

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If you want a Camouflage System here are three things you will need to consider about the Ghillie Suit:


1. The Ghillie Suit is designed to blend in with foliage


2. Unperceivable Motion make the most effective use of the Ghillie Suit


3. The most common design of the Ghillie Suit only covers certain areas


What " I " believe should happen:


1. Effective Stealth increases dramatically within or behind grass and trees. Perhaps a spell and power that lets you know where to most effectively hide.


2. While wearing the Ghillie Suit, moving very slowly, like crouch walking, or not moving at all will make you undetectable... unless someone trips over you or bumps into you (because the skyrim engine already has that)...


3. There should be another form of movement besides the current Crouch. Perhaps a power that allows you to go into stalking mode within grass. Maybe even a simple animation replacement.


Problems (That I Can Perceive):


1. Some people do not have grass settings higher than 0.

2. Grass is not really generous enough to actually hide the Player

3. Current Crouch would make you look like a retarted sasquatch

4. OP Stealth players don't really get much besides the "Cool" Factor

5. Something like this can be extremely immersive and/or extremely LORE UNFRIENLY...


PS. If you really want a Ghillie Suit then you should see if you can chat up some people who really like immersion... like Gopher

Edited by Nchrom
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